Chapter 28

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I run as fast as I possibly can towards the refuge. In the back of my mind, I know the chances of beating Jack there is a long shot, but I have to try.

I burst through the doors of the refuge. "Oscar?! Jack?!" I don't hear a response. "Anyone?!" I walk down the long, dark hallway, listening for any voices. As I tiptoe past a door, I hear Scars voice.

"Keep quiet or Liv gets it."

I press my ear up against the door, straining to hear the conversation behind the door.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her," Oscar says.

"You stay out of this! You've done enough harm!" Jack yells. "You listen here Scar, if you lay a finger on my little sister I will make sure you never see the light of day again."

"Oh don't worry Jacky boy, you won't need to worry about poor little Liv. I'll make sure to take care of you first."

"Scar," I mumble.

"As for you Oscar," he continues. "Well, let's face it. You wouldn't have made a good father anyways. You almost left Liv."

"You almost left my sister alone when you found out she was pregnant! Gosh if I wasn't tied up I would-"

"Put a lid on it Jack," Scar interrupts. "It doesn't matter anyways. The baby won't have a father when I'm done with him."

That was when I couldn't take it anymore. "Don't touch them Scar!" I yell, tossing open the door.

"Liv! I told you to stay at the lodging house!"

"Let them go Scar," I say, ignoring Jack.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen," Scar laughs. "I'm enjoying this."

"What are you even trying to prove?"

"That Harlem is the best. And that your brother here isn't as high and mighty as he thinks. Oscar, well, he is just a bonus."

"Wow," Oscar mumbles sarcastically. "I'm honored."

"Liv," Scar continues, walking up to me. "This isn't just for me, it's for you."

"In what way is this for me. You're hurting the two people I love most in this world."

"You and I both know that all you've wanted was a bit of freedom from your brother. Well, I'm simply granting that."

"I'd rather be locked away forever than let you hurt them." I punch him across the face.

Scar stumbles back, clutching his cheek. "Oh Liv, that was a mistake."

"Liv run!" Jack yells.

"Not today brother." I run up to Scar and start to punch him, but he grabs my hands.

"You don't want to do that."

"Oh yeah, I really do."

"Scar stop!" Jack yells. "You don't want her, you want me. Just soak me! Do what you want, but leave my sister alone."

Scar looks back at Jack before smirking. "You just gave me the best idea Jacky Boy. Boys!" Suddenly, two boys grab my arms and pin them behind my back. "I shouldn't go for you, I should go for your sister."

"Don't you lay a finger on her!" Oscar yells.

"If you say so." Suddenly, Scar slams his lips into mine. I try to get away, but the two boys behind me have me in an iron grip.

"Scar! Get away from her now!" Jack yells.

Scar pulls away and looks at Oscar. "I'm not going to lie Oscar, I can see why you picked her. She's a good kisser."

"Shut up," he says between his grit teeth.

"Oh, and before you yell at me Jack, don't worry. I'm about to do you a favor."

"What does that mean?" I sneer.

"It means I'm doing this." Scar smirks before punching me hard in the stomach.

"Liv!" Oscar screams.

I cry out in pain as the two boys behind me drop me to the floor. I curl into a ball, clinching my hand to my stomach. "Y-you....bastard."

"Thank you," Scar smirks, before turning to Jack and Oscar. "You guys can thank me later. Now neither of you have to worry about the baby and, depending on whether or not she lives, Liv."

"Liv!" Jack screams, pulling against his restraints. "Let me go Scar!"

"Fine. My job here is done anyways." He walks over to me and crouched down in front of my face. "See you around doll face." He laughs before signaling the two boys to untie Jack and Oscar and walking out.

"Liv!" Jack yells, running up to me. "Liv what hurts?"

"M-my stomach...ahh!" I let out a cry of pain.

"Your covered in blood," Oscar says, crouching down next to me and brushing my hair out of my face. "Liv I'm so sorry."

"You should be!" Jack yells, pulling Oscar away from me. "Because of you my sister might die!"


"It's not my fault! It's Scars! I love her! Why would I try to hurt her?!"

"For the same reason you killed Riki, you're evil!"

"J-Jack stop..."

"I tried my hardest to protect Liv. I saved her from Scar once!"

"And look where that got her!" Jack pushes Oscar away, before carefully scooping me up in his arms. "I never want to see you near my sister again."

"J-Jack no," I mumble.

"Shh, Liv. J-just don't talk right now," Jack coos before turning back to Oscar. "If I ever see you near Liv again, you'll be sorry."

"You can't do that! You can't forbid me from sing her!"

"J-Jack p-please...I-I love-" I try to finish, but the darkness consumes me and I black out.

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