Chapter 2

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By that afternoon I had already finished selling all of my papes. In hindsight, I guess I should have bought more. Oh well, at least I sold all of them.

I walk into Tibby's with a big smile on my face.

"What are you so thrilled about?" Race asks.

"I sold all my papes already," I say as I sit down next to Jack.

"How did you sell them so fast?" my brother asks.

"Never underestimate what flirting can do for you," I smirk. Right away I see him glare. "Relax! I just came up with a few good headlines."

"And your going to tell them to your best friend, Race, right?" Race asks hopefully.

"In your dreams."

"So what are you going to do the rest of the day?" Jack asks.

"I don't know. Walk around. Explore the city a bit."

"Go visit Spot. He'll love that," Race says sarcastically.

"Um, no."

"That sounds risky Liv," Jack says.

"It sounds risky to walk around the city I sell in every day?"

"You know what I mean. You don't go 'exploring' in New York alone."

"Would you rather I visit Spot and push him in the harbor again?"

"Yes!" Race yells out.

Jack glares at Race before turning to me. "Just be safe."

"Safe is my middle name brother."

"I thought it was 'Marie'?" Race asks.

Jack rolls his eyes. "Alright newsies! Carry the banner! Those papes won't sell them selfs!"
I never new how big New York is until today. Ok, that's not true. I knew it was big, I just didn't how much of it I hadn't seen. So, I may have wandered into a place that Jack told me never to go to, but it's in broad daylight, what could happen? Suddenly, I feel an arm grab me and pull me into an ally and shove me against a wall.

"Look who went out side the boundaries today," Morris sneers.

I wrinkle my nose. "Look who forgot to brush today."

I feel a stink hit my cheek. "You better watch your mouth before it gets you into even more trouble."

"What do you two want?"

"Well, I don't appreciate the fact that you punched my brother this morning."

I look over at Oscar, smirking when I see his swollen nose. "He deserved it."

Morris slams me against the wall again. "Maybe we should give you a little payback."

"Payback? What are you, twelve?"

Suddenly, my head snaps back, hitting the brick wall behind me.

"You better shut up. You're only making more trouble for yourself," Morris sneers.

I narrow my eyes. "Are you that much of a wimp. You can't even risk letting me fight back?" I smirk. "Fine, if that's how you want to play it."

I grab his wrist and turn him around, putting his arm behind his back. "Hey, I'm all for playing fair." I push Morris into his brother and try to run out of the ally.

Oscar grabs me and slams me back up against the wall. "You really thought that would work?"

"I had my hopes."

Oscar smirks. "Just like your brother. You have dreams that will never come true." He punches me across the face.

I wince but immediately glare. "At least my brother doesn't hurt people for fun. Unlike you two."

"I don't think that's the case toots. Morris, what do you think?"

"I think we do it to get to others," Morris says smirking.

"Don't call me 'toots'," I grumble.

"Sweet face? Pretty girl? Sweet cheeks?" Oscar says smirking.

"How about 'out of your league?" I smirk as I wiggle out of his grasp, punching him in the process. I feel Morris try to grab me and I kick him in the shin. I then push, the now limping Morris, right into his brother, causing them both to fall into a pile of old crates.

"Well, as much as I've enjoyed this little chat, I best be going," I smile before running out of the ally.

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