Chapter 27

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This was it. Jack was going to do who knows what to Oscar and then probably make me give up the baby. I'll never be able to see him again. I'll never be able to kiss him again. And, worst of all, I'll never be able to tell him I love him again.

"Hey Liv," I hear Race say.

"Go away," I mumble into my pillow.

"Come on, don't be like that." I feel the bed sink in where he sits down. "I tried to help you Liv. I really tried my hardest."

"I know," I say sitting up, wiping my tears. "I'm not mad at you."

"Are you mad at Jack."

"No...yes...I don't know! Kind of. It's just...the way he looked at me. The look in his eyes was exactly like my fathers."

"Hey, your brother is nothing like your dad. He doing what he thinks is right."

"But it's not right! Why can't he see that I love him! I love Oscar and now that Jack is going to do who knows what, I'll never be able to tell him that ever again!"

"Oscar knows you love him, he does. And Jack isn't one to kill people, if that's what your thinking. The worst that will happen is he soaks him pretty bad."

"Race, you didn't see the look on his face. It was like staring at a younger version of my father!"

"Jack is nothing like your father. You and I both know that."

"I just....I don't want Oscar to get hurt because of me."

"Liv, none of this is your fault."

"All of its my fault Race! Everyone is getting hurt because of me! I hurt Jack, I hurt all of the other boys, and now Oscar is going to get hurt!" I sigh, looking down at my hands. "What am I going to do about the baby?"

"What did Jack say he would do?"

"He said we would talk about it later. That he didn't want me to be the mother of Oscars child."

"Well, um, it sounds to me that Jack wants you to give it up. Maybe after its born, you can give it to a orphanage or-"

"No!" I yell, standing up. "No way am I letting my child go to one of those horrible places! You've heard the stories that all the boys tell. That they were abused and starved and a bunch of horrible things!"

"Hey, calm down. I'm not saying that's what he will make you do."

"I don't want Jack to 'make me do' anything!" I sit back down on the bed. "I want to raise my kid. I want to raise it with Oscar. I want to be with Oscar and love him," I say, a tear running down my cheek. "I don't want to loose him."

"Hey, you won't loose hi-"

"I see my plan worked."

I look towards the door to find Scar, a smirk plastered on his face. "You! You told Jack! You ruined everything!"

"That was the plan sweet cheeks."

"Why?! Why did you do this?! What did I ever do to you?!"

"None of that matters now. I got what I wanted. Your brother will be so angry with Oscar that he won't see a thing coming."

"What do you mean?"

"You think that I told Jack your secret simply to make you sad? Ha! No way sweet face. I need to get something out of this to."

"What are you talking about?!" I yell, standing up. "What are you going to do to my brother?!"

"Just a bit of an ambush. Most likely, Jack is on his way to the refuge right now to get your little boyfriend. By the time he gets there, he will find all my Harlem newsies." Scar laughs. "We're planning on giving Jacky Boy the proper Harlem 'thanks' for all he's done to us."

"No!" I yell. I start to charge at him, but Race grabs my arm.

"Liv, don't."

"Listen to your friend doll face. It's not good in your condition. And don't worry, we won't leave Oscar out of the party." Scar smirks. "Who knows, maybe your kid will grow up without a father just like you did."

"Don't you dare touch either of them!"

"Well, I would love to stay and chat doll, but I have an appointment with a few guys." Scar smirks. "See you around."

I glare at him as he laughs and walks out of the room. "I have to do something."

"Um, Liv, don't you think that's a bit...I don't know...dangerous?" Race asks.

"I'm not going to let Scar get to them!" I turn to face Race. "I know I've asked a lot of you already, but I need you to let me do this."

"What if you tell some of the guys? They'll probably go and take care of it."

"They won't believe me! Not after I lied to them for so long. I have to do this by myself."

"At least let me come!"

"No," I say, hugging Race. "I've asked to much of you already. Besides, I can't risk you getting hurt." I pull away and look him in the eye. "I need to do this on my own."

"I'm not going to be able to stop you am I?"

"Not this time Race. But, don't worry. I promise I'll be careful," I lean in and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for being a great friend." And with that, I take a deep breath before running out of the room.

(AN: I think we are starting to reach the end of this book. I think there are a few more chapters to come (depending on how I decide to let the rest of the story play out). I hope you guys are enjoying it! 💖theatergirlmgm 🦄)

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