Chapter 23: A Certain tree

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People who are caught up in the show...(not Gwyn -_-) know what's going to be in this chapter just by the title. It's a little sad so get ready...

It was the next morning and Carl wasn't beside me.

"Shit." I whispered to myself getting out of bed.

I went downstairs to see Carol making something. I think they were cookies.

"Do you know where Carl went?" I ask her sitting at the island.

"Oh. He said he wanted you to get some sleep. I think he said he was going to Jessie's house." She tells me.

I sigh. "Great. Thanks Carol."

She smiles and nods.

I head over to Jessie's house and knock on her door. No one answers. I knock on it again and just a few seconds later Jessie's husband answers the door. He barely cracks it open.

"Um, is Carl here? He said he came here." I told him.

"No. He never came. Now fuck off." He said before slamming the barely open door.

...well fine then.

Well if he's not here then he lied to Carol. And he's probably "out exploring" again.

I put my hands on my forehead and sighed.

"(Y/N)" I look up and see Rick. "Deanna wants to talk to you she's at the gun storage."

Oh damn. I almost forgot I was working perimeter watch today.


Before I headed that way Glenn, Tara, Eugene, Noah, Aiden, and Nicholas said they were going on a run.

When I get there Deanna handed me a silenced AR-15 and explained what I had to do and she sent me on my way.

I wasn't worried about doing this. I had shot multiple walkers before even when they were in large groups.

I walked along the wall. When I saw a walker hitting against the metal wall I shot it watching his body fall to the ground. I was probably maybe 20 feet away when I saw another and planted a bullet into his head.


I had made it to the back side of the wall. I only saw and shot maybe five or six.

I had started hearing a few of them that were a little ways into the woods. I thought, it wouldn't hurt to just get them before they make their way to the wall.

I made my way through the trees. One was coming near me and I shot it. I kept moving when I saw another and shot it. I had gotten to wear all of them were... But in the middle of them was something I wasn't expecting to see. There was a certain tree with a hollowed out trunk. And in it were both Carl and Enid kissing. Tears immediately flooded my eyes. I shot the walkers as I cried getting both of their attention.

"(Y/N)! It's not what you think." Carl tried explaining but I didn't listen.

I took off my ring. I tried going the other way but he grabbed my wrist.

"I don't want to hear any of your bullshit." I say as tears are still rolling down my face.

I pull my hand away and slip the ring into his hand. Before I turn away I see Enid has a smug and satisfied look on her face.

I ran back to the front wall. The lady their opened the gate. I felt like I cried a million gallons of tears. I just cried and cried. I had no idea what to do. I ran in the direction of our house but ended up running into someone. I looked up and it was Rick.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asked sympathetically.

"Your son. That's what's wrong." I tell him between cries before busting through our door. I sat on the floor with my head in my knees and I hugged my legs.

He's never done something like-like this before. I mean yeah there was when he killed Gabrielle but this felt different. He was probably putting his lips all over hers last time he said he was 'just out exploring'. I guess he was right. He was exploring. Exploring her mouth.

Carol came over and asked what was wrong. I didn't even answer. I just jumped up and hugged her. She didn't ask again she just hugged back.


I sat on the couch and played with this little hourglass thing. When I heard the door close I look up and see carl I immediately get up and go upstairs into a room locking the door behind me. I couldn't help but cry again I looked up and took a deep shaky breath to calm me down.

Carl's POV

"Are you serious!?" I yelled back at Enid. "Why would you do that?!"

"For that reason exactly." She said before smiling and walking off.

"Oh my god." I breathed as I rubbed my face with my hands.

No matter how much I tell (Y/N) the truth she's never going to believe me. She's going to think that I kissed her even though it was the total opposite.

I run back to the front gate. I went back to our house and went inside seeing her on the couch. Her eyes were red and her nose was pink. Before I could even say anything she goes upstairs.

I felt the tears start prickling to my eyes. This was all just a big misunderstanding.

Maybe Love Is Worth Dying For -Sequel to:Is Love Really Worth Dying For?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora