Episode 16

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"Oppa! How could you be eating?"

Ask Yein as she marches to innocent Jungkook who keeps on eating the samples non-stop.

"It's healthy, Jung Yein."

Yein pouts as Jungkook who instead, gives her a scoop of the samples to block her words to come out. Jungkook is a half kid anyway. Yein would just accept it since face the fact, they both are hungry.

"See, told you! It's healthy."

Yein glares for while before heading to the counter with Jungkook being pulled.


They finally arrives home. Yein lays down the ingredients and utensils needed first before starting her cooking. Just then, Jungkook appears with his innocent yet simple cute puppy eyes.

"Can I help?"

Yein smiles while collecting the vegetables and meat to the sink.

"Start by washing and cutting. I need to boil some other ingredients."

Jungkook obeys and starts to wash the vegetables and meat. However, Yein have completed her job and helps Jungkook to cut the vegetables and meat.

"Just cut them slightly. Like this."

Yein shows Jungkook an example of cutting thin meat. Jungkook tries and successfully did it. Yein then shows him how to cut the other parts and later, leave him alone to do it himself.

"After you're done cutting, you should put them inside the boiling pot. And then, do absolutely nothing at the kitchen."

Jungkook did it exactly. Just then, the camera shot start to focus on Jungkook.

#2: *gasps* He has cunning eyes while he's focused.

#3: It's charismatic.

#1: I have to say his fans are proud!

After a few minutes, Jungkook sits down at the chair and plays with his games. That is Piano Tiles 2. When he loses, he start banging the counter. Surprising Yein every time he bangs it.

Yein's corner

It's really surprising since suddenly, you heard a loud Bang! So, you thought that something happens to him. But he's just lost in the game.

When Yein is done, she quickly blocks Jungkook from hitting the counter again. Jungkook looks up.

"Please don't do that again or I will not give the meat to you. But I will give it to your members."

Jungkook shows his bunny teeth again and keeps his phone. Yein puts away her apron and made way to the living room with Jungkook.

"What game was that anyway?"

Jungkook proudly answer.

"Its Piano Tiles 2. You should try it. Come on, let's have a battle."

"I haven't played with it."

Jungkook wide-eyed.

"Don't tell me that your phone is lost or you're from the past."

Yein chuckles.

"No silly, I have been too busy that I haven't look at the apps store. Mastering driving license isn't easy as I thought."

"Then, the master shall teach you!"

Jungkook smiles and puts out his phone. He starts to show Yein the ways to play it.

"Woah, that's a lot of crown."

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