Prince Damian

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© 2011 Astrix 

*Hey guys sorry for the wait, but thank you for waiting . this chapter its a bit longer than the previous one, by one page X/ ... its not much, but im writing this from scratch, im actually writing it at work when i get bored or get an idea ... but ill be uploading sooner after Sept. 2, ill have more time and im going to try to finish it before the end of the year cus i start school in January ... But enought babbling ... here's the new chapter, enjoy :D


Chapter 2: Prince Damian

"Are you sure they are coming here?" My father asks.

"Yes," Ivan replies, "they don't look like us sir,"

"What do they look like then?" My mother asks.

Ivan looks down, then back up nervously, "they look like the Princess."

My brothers quickly stand up in front of me in a defense line. Their intentions were clear: to get to me, they'll have to get pass them.

"Calm down," my father exclaims, "We have no choice here but to wait and see what they want, and in any case, we'll have to use Princess Lucy as our translator."

"But father, it's been week since I last looked at one of the books that the dolphins found in the vault near the ruins of the ship I came from." I say, remembering how my parents were always pressuring me to learn the forms and language of the strange books.

"But you have spent the last fifteen years learning them and understanding them," my mother says,” we will be blind without you Lucy."

That is true, if they hid me, there won't be anyone to translate to them, if these strangers are really like me.


We waited and waited. Ivan and the other birds are flying around, surrounding the ship, listening to the conversation they could easily understand. Every half an hour or so Ivan would send a bird to inform us of what is happening, usually when that bird leaves another one comes and starts from where the other left of.

So far we know that the men on the ship are safe, they are merely traveling around the world. They plan on coming to the island tomorrow morning to just look around and hopefully take food so they can last the remainder of the journey home.

"We will let them get what they are looking for," my father tells everyone, "by no means are we to be seen or heard by these Man."


The low noise outside made me wake up. I open my eyes to see that my sisters were trying the move me as far into the cave as possible. I was a little lost at first, until I remembered the events of last night. I follow my sisters to the back of the cave where light cannot reach.

"There's a cave here!" I look at my sisters, but soon realized that it was a man’s voice I heard, a voice that I had never heard before and did not like.

"Well, let's see it then," a new voice, this one much more attractive than the previous, speaks.

Soon, the cave is filled with light and my sister and I find ourselves surrounded by eight Man.

I take in their two legs, their two arms, the way they hold themselves, just like I do, they have hair on their heads, just like me. The only difference is our chest, they don't have breast like I do, nor do their stomach come in to form an arc on both sides of their body. But I realized that my brothers and sister are different as well, even though they are of the same race.

"It's a girl, among Lioness," another man speaks, and my eyes go to him and I know that he knows that I can understand him.

"Hello," I turn my eyes to the men at the center, "I am Prince Damian of Salinas, and these are my man."

I look into his blue eyes, they look sincere and honest to me, and I know he speaks the truth.

"I am Princess Lucinda of the Sea," I was surprise that my voice didn't change, and I look at my sister and saw that they understand what I say, and I look at the man and see that they too understand me, "these are my sisters. And the ones behind you are my brothers."

All eight man look behind them to see my brothers blaring their teeth at them, the Prince looks back and forth between my brother and myself. One of his men brought his hand to the side and took out a sharp glowing item.

"They will do you no harm if you do none to them," I say speaking directly to the Prince. "They are only trying to defend their sisters.

"Of course," the Prince states and looks at the men with the shiny item in hand, "put it away Blair."

"What are you here for?" I ask, although I already knew, but the less they know about us the better.

"Food." The Prince says, but I know he has the same thoughts as me; I do, after all have an advantage over him.

"We'll get that for you," I states, looking at my brothers and two of them left to find the others and start hunting down for food, "but I'll have you know, that we do not eat meat. But I can assure you that when you know how to make different types of food with fruits you won't need anything else."


*Hope you guys like it ... ill have the next one up sometime next week ...

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Picture of Prince Damian to the right

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