A Shocking Surprise

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© 2011 Astrix


                                                                 Chapter 15

                                                         A Shocking Surprise

Lucinda stirs in bed as she starts to wake up. Opening her eyes slowly, she frowns as she finds the room almost dark, since she’s accustomed to wake up to open curtains. She glances around, disoriented, before realizing that she’s not in the old room. She’s in her new room.

She glances to her right to see Blair sleeping peacefully, arms wrap around her naked stomach. Lucinda blushes as she remembers last night.

Blair’s rough kiss, falling on the bed without breaking the kiss.

She traces Blair’s arm, remembering how the wrapped around her as he kissed her, his hands moving to the back to undo the buttons on her dress. Lucinda’s closes her eyes as she traces her neck, smiling to herself as she finds herself remembering the kisses and the bites Blair gave her as he took her dress off.

Her hand moves lower, as she traces every spot Blair kissed as he removed the dress, Lucinda’s sure he didn’t miss a single spot the dress revealed of her naked body.

She gasps, and opens her eyes too look wide eyed at Blair, who, although still has his eyes closed, Lucinda knows, by the fact that his hand, which had just been over her stomach is now on top of her private spot, just like it had been last night, after he had thrown the dress to the floor, and after she had told him that Mrs. Link would kill him if she knew he had just throw the dress on the floor, to which he had responded, “let’s not tell her then.”

Lucinda moans as she begins to feel exactly what she felt last night in the spot between her legs. She lets out another moan as Bair bite her ear, “good morning Mrs. Arlie.”

Lucinda turns towards Blair, but before she could speak, Blair had his mouth on her, and the hand between her legs wasn’t the only repeat of last night she received.


The newlyweds spent the entire morning in their chamber, exploring each other’s body to no end, only coming out to eat at noon, before heading back to their chamber and continuing the exploration.

And they would had done the same the next day, hadn’t it been for Mrs. Andrews waking them up for breakfast. Instead, they had breakfast, feeding each other and kissing as they did, before going back to their room, locking the door behind them.

But Blair hadn’t taken Lucinda to the bed, no, instead he sat her on one of the arm chairs in front of the fire place, taking her dress off and eating her off.

The rest of the week was spent with not just body exploration, but exploring places as well. They had gone back to their old room one night and done some exploration there, against the door, on the floor, in the closet. Blair’s office was left alone either, the day after, three maids were needed to clean the room, placing everything in their right spot, even placing a new lamp on the desk.

Things calmed down the following week, Blair had to get to work after taking a whole week off, and Lucinda spent her time with Mrs. Andrew, starting to do her job as mistress of the house.

The nights that followed were varied, some they just spent talking, others kissing, just kissing, and just one night they had made love to each other, and to say it was only once would make it an understatement.

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