Prince Alan

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© 2011 Astrix Star

**First of all i want to apologize for taking sooo long to update. i wish i had the excuse of school, but really, i have no excuse what so ever, and for that i am so sorry. i understand if some lost their interest in this story because of how long i've taken. In return, i tried to make this chapter as long as possible.  But by the time the seventh page came through my brain was leading me to the next chapter. 

there are some restricted concept in this chapter, which is why it is rated R. IDK if some of you will believe its truly restricted, but to me it is. So, you've been warned. 

The New book cover was made by miss ChristineJoyLuikuo. thank you =D is lovely isn't it? Competely goes with the story. 

I really hope this chapter is worth the wait. 


                                                                    Chapter 12

                                                                    Prince Alan

“Come on Princess, is that anyway to speak to your Prince?” Prince Alan smirks over at me, arms cross as his eyes wonder down my body.

“Leave,” I say, trying my best to cover my body from his stare, regretting for the first time sleeping in Blair’s shirt.

“I rather stay, thank you,” He walks forwards, and I take a step back, “scare of me Princess?”

“Leave at once.”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Prince Alan continues to walk forward.

“If you do not leave now, I will scream and-“

“Please, go ahead,” Prince Alan smiles, “no one will hear you. There’s no one here. It’s just you and me.”

Not believing him, I shout out, “Help! Mrs. Andrews!”

Prince Alan winces at my shout, but his smile never leaves his face. He sits on the bed, arms cross. A few minutes later he laughs and stand up, “see. It’s just you and me my love.”

“I am not your love,” I say, disgusted.

“We’ll see,” he moves closer to me, cornering me. “You will not marry Blair. You cannot choose him over me. I’m a Prince,” his chest buffs up as he says this, “and he’s a Duke. He has nothing on me.”

“You’re wrong,” I glare at him, “he’s got everything on you. He’s nice, more attractive, and I’m positive he’s more fun to be around.”

Prince Alan laughs, “You’re that kind of girl.”

“Excuse me?”

“Lucinda, Lucinda,” Alan crushes his body against me, “I’m more powerful than he will ever be. With me you’ll have everything you can ever wish for.”

“I wish for you to leave me alone.”

“I bet I can please you much better than he can,” Prince Alan’s lips start to wonder down my neck.

“Back off!” I push against him, to no avail, come on Lucy, you’ve fought against Lions, Jaguars, and many other wild, yet tamed creatures. Surely you can push a mere human off of you.  But no matter how much I try, I simply couldn’t push Prince Alan away from me, mostly because the harder I push, the harder he presses himself against me, biting my neck.

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