The Truth Comes Out

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© 2011 Astrix

*A/N: here's another upload. I'm writing the next chapter right now, I'm thinking about finishing this story within the next few days, what do you guys think? of course there's still a lot of things that need to happen before then, but the end is definately close. three to four chapters left tops. 


                                                                    Chapter 17

                                                              The Truth Comes Out

Lucinda steps out of the carriage and holds Blair's hand. Finding hereself outside of the church they got married at three and a half months ago. 

They walk in, stopping the salute a few guests before making their way to the front. There Lucinda takes in her surroundings. The church is decorated differently from when her wedding took place. The flowers, she noticed are lilies, not water lilies, just lilies. There's a red carpet from the door of the church to the altar, as oppose to the blue one for her wedding. On the walls in-between white roses are banners with an Eagle on it.

Lucinda does a double take at this. An Eagle? A memory comes to Lucinda's mind, the last conversation she had with her lioness mother:

"I have placed your blanket on the vault," she had said, "The eagle on it is your clue to finding your family."

Lucinda glances at Blair, who smiles down at her, and she smiles back before looking back at the banners. He would have told me, wouldn't he? Of course be would had. He loves me; he wouldn't have lied to me.

"Lucinda darling," Lucinda looks over at Blair, "I have to join Damian, but I'll find you after the ceremony, ok?"

Lucinda nods, of course he would have told me.


Lucinda sits down next to Blair at the top table with the newly wed and their family. 

"Lucinda," Lucinda looks over to see Gwendolyn smiling at her, "you look beautiful."

Lucinda glances down at her blue loose off shoulder long sleeve dress, "oh, thank you. But I don't think I look half as beautiful as you. That dress is amazing."

Gwendolyn looks at her lace white one sleeve gown, "well, it was inspired by your wedding dress. But I'm sure Blair would disagree with you on whether or not you look half as beautiful as me."

"Just like I'm sure Damian would agree with me."

"Ladies please," Blair holds his hands up, "do not involve us in your argument."

"Is not an argument if there's true in it," Gwendolyn argues.

Lucinda is about to argue back when the Prime Minister's voice interrupts her.

"Good evening," he starts off getting everyone's attention, "you cannot understand how happy I am seeing my beautiful daughter, Gwendolyn married to the man she loves." Lucinda smiles over at Gwen who leans into Damian, "I am so proud and happy for you, as I am sure your mother, may she rest in peace, would be." Lucinda frowns, she had no idea Gwendolyn didn't have a mother, how sad. "As you all know, my dear wife died thirteen years ago at the fire in the voyage at the sea, along with many others." Blair frowns, questions piling his mind, same questions piling Gwendolyn and Prince Damian's minds. The main question: why is he bringing this up?

"Among those dead," the Prime Minister continues, "was Princess Lucy," there are gaps among the guests who all look at Princess Lucy in confusion. "It was not my daughter Evangeline that died. No, it was Princess Lucresia, better known as Princess Lucy."

"Father!" Gwendolyn exclaims, standing up and looking at her father in shock, "please forgive him, he's had a little too much to drink-"

"DO NOT BLAME THIS ON THE ALCOHOL!" Prime Minister shouts, "I kept this quiet too long. But it's time for my revenge. Princess Lucy died thirteen years ago, and the one that you all believe to be her is my daughter Evangeline. 

"The king and queen made a deal with me," everyone stare at the Prime Minister in shock, "I became Prime Minister and they get a daughter to offer the Malarie kingdom."

"GUARDS!" the king bellows, "Arrest him!" 

The guards, who had been standing behind the Prime Minister do as told. The man lets the guards take him, his head held high and a smile on his face. And just as the doors close behind the guards, the King of Melarie stands up.

"I will not stand for this!" he exclaims, pulling his son up, "I will not have my son marry an impostor! You have made a fool out of me Robert. Expect my army at you doors. Wedding is off!"

"No!" Prince Marcus exclaims, struggling out of his father’s grasp and standing next to Lucy, "I don't car that she isn't the real Princess. I love her father. I want to marry her."


"No father," Marcus stands in front of his father, "you said you would do anything for my happiness. I love Lucy- Evangeline- whatever true name is. I want to marry her. Who cares if she isn't the real princess? She was raised as one, wasn't she?"

"I guess true love does conquer all," the Queen chuckles, but no one joins her, instead the guests begin to stand up glaring at the king and queen, apologizing the newlyweds.

And soon, only those at the high table are left in the grand hall. 

Lucinda's eyes are on the big eagle banner hanging from the ceiling. Blinking away the tears threatening to fall.

Blair's arms wrap around Lucinda, "we should go."

Lucinda nods, standing up along with him. Lucinda hugs Gwendolyn goodbye, her tears leaving trail on her shoulders, "don't cry. It's you wedding." but her words only caused Gwen to cry harder and Lucinda gives Damian an apologetic looks to which he mouths, "It's ok."

Blair and Lucinda leave the ballroom, and Lucinda has to try her hardest to not push away from Blair.


**So, what do you guys think? I know it's short, I really wanted to make it longer, given that this is the climax of the story, but to be honest I'm reaching the point where if I make anything in this story longer it'll feel like I'm dragging it. specially since it's almost a year since I started it and I only have seventeen chapters to show for it. Like seriously, other authors would have had like forty chapters up.

I like the title of this chapter, don't you guys? it goes well with what happens, and weird enough is something that's going on in my life right now. I mean, don't you guys just hate it when you're friends with someone for a long time, and then comes in a point when you realize they weren't really your friends... unless you've never been in that situation, then don't mind me. 





Next chapter will be up soon, promise! =D

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