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  • Dedicated to To All my Incredible Readers that have stuck around

© 2011 Astrix

**A/N: This is it. The Last Chapter



“There it is!” Lucinda calls out, smiling as she sees the silhouette of an island appear before her.

“Well this was a short journey,” Gwendolyn says, coming to stand next to Lucinda, a hand on her growing belly.

“We told you it was going to be one,” Blair says, rocking his sleeping son in his arms.

Lucinda smiles down at the girl in her arms and whispers, “we’re home.”

It had been almost a year since Lucinda left the island with Damian and Blair. Lucinda chuckles as she remembers that day. Who would had thought, that rude Blair, the man she couldn’t stand or want to be in the same room with would become the man she loves with all her heart? Not her. Or that Damian, King Damian, was her long lost brother. Out of all the humans that could have come to her island, it was her brother and love of her life that had come to her rescue. Though, she didn’t know she needed rescuing. But, Lucinda has come to realize in the last six months, that she needed a break from her life in the wilderness. More than a break, she needed to find herself. And she did. At least, she thinks she did.

Lucinda knows she’s not the same person she was a year ago. For one, she’s a mother and being a mother comes with a heavy responsibility. Something she would have never learned in the island. Humans are much different than animals when it comes to raising their children. Considering that cubs reach maturity within a few years of their birth, while it takes humans eighteen years to become adults. But many more years to truly become mature. At this, she found, she had reached maturity at a very early age, within her first three years of living at the island she would say. Of course, she must admit, there were some points in this last year where she wasn’t mature. But then again, she’s human.

Lucinda also learned that you can never judge a person on first impressions. Were her first impressions of her parents’ not good ones? She remembers thinking only good things about them. But then came that point after Damian’s ball where she saw their true colors. Then there was Gwendolyn. Did she not get in a mini-argument with her the first time they spoke? And look at them now, they’re like sisters. And Blair – Lucinda glances over at the father of her kids – could she not stand him that first day? If she remembers correctly, she hated him. Yet here they are.

As the island comes closer, dolphins start jumping out of the water, and Lucinda smiles, and breath in the oceanic air. She missed home. When she opens her eyes again, she notices something on the island.

Lucinda squints her eyes, trying to get a better look and notices that lining up at the shore is her family. Her parents standing in the middle and everyone else on the sides.

When they’re almost at the shore, the captain yells, “throw the anchor!”

“Come on, we have to get on the boats,” Blair says and they all follow him to the left side of the vessel.

Once the ship stops completely, the two couples get on the boats and are lowered on to the sea, where Blair passes his son to Gwendolyn so he and Damian can row the boat to shore.

“Evangeline would love this place,” Gwendolyn states, looking at her surroundings.

“She would,” Lucinda agrees, but knowing that Princess Lucy, or Evangeline as she goes by now, is too busy learning the ropes of her new kingdom. The Melarie Kingdom with her husband Marcus. They got married three months ago, and a month after that, Damian was named King of Salinas with Gwendolyn as his Queen. Robert and Joyce left the palace soon after, and have not been heard of since.

It took them ten minutes to reach shore. The man stepped off the boat first, and helped the ladies out.

“Lucy,” Lucinda turns around with a smile and faces Ava, the Jaguar, she looks at Blair who brings his hands out and takes their daughter, and the moment she’s out of her hands, Lucinda rushes to her family, “Ava!”

Lucinda hugs the Jaguar, passing her hands through her, before pulling away and facing her parents and siblings.

“Welcome home Lucy,” her father says.

“It’s good to be home,” Lucinda wipes away the tears that escaped her eyes.

“How was your journey?”

“It was great!” Lucinda smiles, and looks over her shoulder, noticing that the others had joined her, “everyone, I would like you to meet my mate, although humans call them husband,” Lucinda comes to stand in-between Blair and Gwendolyn, “this is Blair.”

“How you do?” Blair knew that they understood him, but that he wouldn’t understand them.

“Does he understand us?” Ava asks, and Lucinda shakes her head.

“What are he and that other human carrying?” Lucinda’s brother asks.

Lucinda smiles and grabs the baby boy from Gwendolyn’s arms, “this is my son, Joshua, and my daughter, Isabella.”

“They’re so small,” one of Lucinda’s sister states, coming close to see Joshua, “I do not understand the human species.”

“Just like the Human Specie does not understand you,” Lucinda chuckles, “anyways, this is Gwendolyn, and Damian. Damian is my blood brother.”

“So you did find your family,” Lucinda’s mother says.

“You can say that.”

“Well, how about we go celebrate your return,” Ava says, “Vivica rushed to get a cake ready as soon as the ship came into view. Let’s go!”

“Yes, we must celebrate the coming of one of our own,” the Lion King says coming to stand in front of Lucinda, “I am glad you completely your quest my daughter.”

“Me too,” Lucinda smiles and looks at the others as the animals start making their way inside the jungle, “let’s go celebrate.”


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