True Love Conquers All

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© 2011 Astrix


Chapter 21

True Love Conquers All

Lucinda and Mrs. Andrews step out of the carriage that had taken Mrs. Andrews and Claire to Claire’s cabin.

“What is the Royal carriage doing here?” Lucinda asks Mrs. Andrews.

“I don’t know,” Mrs. Andrews responds as she knocks on the door.

Mr. Andrews answers it right away, “I saw the carriage. Did she- Lucinda!”

Lucinda is surprised as Mr. Andrews hugs her, but hugs him back nevertheless, “hi.”

“Is good you’re here,” Mr. Andrews drags her in, “you’re just in time.”

“In time for what?” But she stops as she takes in the scenery in front of her. Ten pairs of eyes are frozen on her, and before she knows it, Blair is on her, as well as Gwendolyn and Prince Damian, asking her if she was ok, “I’m alright.”

“We thought you had gone back to your kingdom,” The Queen states glaring at Lucinda, or at Blair’s back, since he’s blocking her view of her.

“As you can see mother, she hasn’t.”

“Is not like you didn’t believe so yourself,” The Queen states, “she’s been gone for a month. No one knew of her whereabouts, not even her husband.”

“A wife that leaves her husband is no wife at all,” The King says, “and since you have not given you husband a child, I now pronounce the two of you divorce.”

“Pardon me, your majesty,” everyone turns to look at Mrs. Andrews, “but you are no one to talk without knowing. You do not know the reason as to why Lucinda left in the first place. That is between her husband and her. And considering that she’s back and he’s more than happy to take her back means you have no hands in their marriage. But if that is not enough for you, it might interest you to know, that Lucinda and myself have just spoke to a doctor, and he has confirm that Lucinda is three months along.”

Lucinda looks at Blair who looks back at her in shock. Lucinda smiles and nods, knowing exactly what his eyes are silently asking her. She takes his hand and places it on top of her growing belly. Blair smiles back at her, before leaning in to kiss her, but is interrupted by the King’s voice.

“We do not know if it’s his.”

 Blair turns around fast as lightning, “and who do you suppose it is? The raper of a son you have?”

“What is he talking about?” Gwendolyn whispers to Lucinda.

“As far as we know, Prince Alan didn’t go far with her,” Queen Joyce defends her son, “for all we know she seduced him. Did you not see what she was wearing?”

“That happened to be my shirt. Mine, her husband then and now,” Blair glares at her, “stop trying to go around the matter. Because at the end it stands as this: Prince Alan had no right to be in this house. Let alone be in my and Lucinda’s chambers. Or do you have an excuse for that as well?”

Lucinda stares at the King and Queen in disgust, I cannot believe I’m they’re daughter.

“If she hadn’t come here we wouldn’t be having this problem,” Queen Joyce exclaims. “Do you know what people are saying?”

“I do not care what people are saying.”

“Really?” King Robert states, “it might interest you to know, that people are calling Princess Lucinda, Princess Lucy. It was no secret that you were infatuated with our daughter. It was also no secret that after the accident your feelings for Lucy changed.”

“Of course they did! Evangeline was never Lucy!”

“Yet, here comes this woman,” the king continues as if Blair hadn’t spoken, “who happens to have my eyes, and you are as infatuated with her as you once were with Princess Lucy. No one has told us the exact location of Lucinda’s kingdom, nor where her parents present for her wedding.”

“What are you getting at father?”

“We want to know,” the Queen starts, “if Lucinda is Princess Lucy.”

“For what? So you can sell her off to yet another kingdom?”

“Is she or is she not?”

“No.” Ten pairs of eyes are on Lucinda again, “I’m not your daughter. And boy am I glad I’m not. My kingdom will never be reveal to you, because you are a bunch of power hungry royals. And my parents did not attend my wedding here, because they had done so back in our kingdom. My mother, happens to have my eye color, it is mere coincidence that they are the same color as yours, you highness.

“And as for my child not being Blair’s, it’s not our fault you might have doubts about your children you’re highness,” Lucinda curtsy, before leaving the room.

“Well, I believe you have the answer you came here to get,” Blair smirks, turning to face the King and Queen, “now if you excuse me, I have to celebrate the news with my wife. Mrs. Andrews, will you please show our guest the door?”

Blair doesn’t wait for the answer, he rushes out of the room, taking the stairs two at a time and reaching the open door to his and Lucinda’s chambers just as she sits on the bed.

He enters the room cautiously, closing the door behind him. Lucinda looks up and freezes in to place.

“Why didn’t you tell them?”

Lucinda blinks a few times, before asking, “who?”

“Your parents.”

“They’re not my parents,” Lucinda says to gritted teeth, closing her eyes, “I’m sorry I lashed out on you. I shouldn’t had.”

“Let’s put it on a pregnancy mood,” Blair comes to kneel in front of Lucinda, “it’s in the past.”

Lucinda places a hand on his neck, and feels a scar there. She moves the collar of his shirt down to see a red scar on the side of his neck, “it’s true then.”

Blair stands up fixing his collar, and looking anywhere but at Lucinda, “what is?”

“You tried to kill yourself because of me.”

“Don’t. Don’t blame yourself.”

“But it is my fault,” Lucinda says, standing up and grabbing his face in-between her hands, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t had left in the first place. It was stupid of me. I should have known that neither you or Damian would do anything to hurt me. On the contraire, you would do anything in your power to keep me safe. It won’t happen again. I promise.”

“And I’m sorry,” Blair says, bending down so that their foreheads touch, “I shouldn’t have listened to Damian. I wanted to tell you. I should have told you when I had the chance. And I had plenty of chances.”

“What’s done is done,” Lucinda whispers, “it’s happened, and there’s nothing we can do now except prepare ourselves to become parents. And I for one want to be better parents than my birth parents. I want to be just like my parents.”

“You mean the lions?”

“They raised me well.”

“Yes, yes they did,” and with that, Blair leans down and kisses Lucinda. 


Next chapter will be the last

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