A Place to Hideout

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© 2011 Astrix

**A/N: So I was going to update yesterday, BUT my brother's baseball game - that was supposed to be TODAY - was changed to YESTERDAY thanks to the LOVELY spring rain. As I'm sure everyone knows, there's no internet on the road and we had to drive all the way to Montgomery, Alabama and back. I didn't get home until 2 in the morning. But I'm uploading today - as you can see -.- 

Well, this is chapter 19. Only three left. 


Chapter 19

A Place to Hideout

Lucinda comes to a stop in front of the door to a cabin amongst others near the center of the kingdom. She looks around, noticing that the sun is coming up, knowing that the doors to the other cabins will be opening soon.

She knocks on the door three times, and waits, before knocking three more times.

The door opens then, revealing a very angry Claire, “Now what do you think you’re- Lucinda!”

“Shhh!” Lucinda looks around; making sure no one heard her, “keep quiet. May I come in?”

“Yes, of course!” Claire steps aside and lets Lucinda in, closing the door just as the door to the cabin next door opens. “What, may I ask, are you doing here?”

“Can I stay here?” Lucinda asks, looking at Claire pleadingly.


“Blair and I had an, argument, you can say,” Lucinda looks at the ground frowning, “I’m really mad at him, and I don’t want to see him. I knew staying at the manor would make that impossible. So, may I stay here?”

Claire looks around desperately, before signing, “arguments between couples should be talked between them. And most importantly, Lucinda, running away from your husband’s home is greatly frowned upon in this kingdom. You have yet to be with child, a separation would be inevitable if the King and Queen says so.”

“It won’t be for a long time,” Lucinda states, her eyes watering at the mention of her parents, “Blair wouldn’t tell anyone I ran away. He will understand me needing time to myself.”

“If you believe so.”


“Yes, m’am?”

“I need to ask another favor from you,” Lucinda looks at Claire, and when the latter nods, she continues, “please, I beg of you, please do not tell anyone that I am here. I want you to go to the manor and act as if you haven’t seen me since yesterday. Please!”

Claire looks torn for a moment, before sighing, “I won’t mention that I’ve seen you.”

“Thank you!” Lucinda hugs the women, before going to sit down on the sofa she’s sat at so many times before. “You can go back to sleep. I’m sorry I awoke you.”

“It’s alright. I would had been waking up anyways,” as if to prove her point, yelling could be heard from outside, and Claire says gloomily, “they never fell to let us down.”

When Blair wakes up that morning, his arms immediately pat the bed next to him, his eyes bursting open as he feels it empty. And then the memories from last night run through his mind and he dresses up before making his way to his old chamber. He tries the door before knocking, and finds it unlocked.

He takes a deep breath and pushes the door open, “Luci-“ he freezes when he sees the bed done and no sight of Lucinda. He quickly leaves the room and makes his way down the stairs, “Mrs. Andrews!”

The woman shows up at the door to the kitchen, with a curious Claire looking at them from the stove, “yes dear?”

“Have you seen Lucinda?” Blair knew she hasn’t when he sees her eyes widen.

“Did you not find her last night?”

“I did,” Blair states, “but she’s nowhere to be found this morning.”

“What exactly did you do to the girl?” Mrs. Andrews asks, walking inside the kitchen, “you better find her before she becomes part of the kingdom scandal. Heavens knows that they don’t have enough with the news that Princess Lucy isn’t really Princess Lucy!”

“What?” Claire’s eyes widen at the piece of news.

“Oh, haven’t you heard?” Blair groans and leaves the room, knowing that when women start gossiping there’s no stopping them.

He once again searches the house, but doesn’t find her, anywhere. He locks himself up in his office, grabbing a bottle of whiskey. I lost her.


**Awww, poor Blair :(

BTW: I have made Tumblr for my wattpad account, and it has two things that might interest you. 

One: A description of my upcoming story, Being Me - though you might have to scroll down to get to it.

Two - and I'm sure this will interest you more : a direct quote from the next chapter. 

 So if you wanna read that before the upload next week, go on ahead to my profile, the link is there. 

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