After the Wedding

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© 2011 Astrix

*** A/N: I know it's been a while see I posted and I'm so sorry. I hope this chapter is enough for oyu guys to accept my apology and i hope it satisfy you guys long enough to wait for the next upload. My goal is now to finish this story before the end of April, so wait for it. there are only like six chapter left, all of which have yet to be written. the weird thing is that if i was at school it was had been been done. I'm weird, i know. But enough of me talking. Enjoy the chapter! :D


                                                             Chapter 14

                                                       After the Wedding

Lucinda and Blair walk inside the grand ballroom at their home, which is already filled with the guest, chatting amongst each other at their table. Of course, the chattering stops as soon as they stand at top of the staircases leading down to the room.

“Cheers to the bride and groom!” Lucinda looks towards the back, where Damian is standing with a raised glass, pointing at them.

“Cheers!” The guests repeat, raising their glasses as well.

Lucinda smiles, glancing over at Blair, who’s already smiling down at her, “shall we?” Lucinda nods and they descend the stairs, Blair’s hand on Lucinda’s back.

They stop at each table, accepting the good wishes and fortunes from the guests, although, Lucinda admits she could do without the constant kissing of her hand by the man of the room, and, most importantly, the glares she receives from other females, one even had the density to tell her – secretly in her ear of course - that the marriage isn’t going to last. Lucinda of course maintained her face neutral, though, inside it made her nervous, could it be possible that there are other people that will stop at nothing to make her miserable?

Within the hour, the newlyweds had received their well wishes and had sat down at the table at the back, among the royals, Prince Alan included, though he was sitting as far away from them as possible.

Food was served and the chatting restarted.

“I absolutely adore your dress Lucinda,” Princess Lucy states, giving Lucinda a small smile, her eyes hard, “I hope my wedding dress is as gorgeous as it.”

“You’re getting married?” Lucinda asks in shock, but completely happy to be change the subject from herself.

“Yes,” The Princess looks over at Blair, her eyes narrowing, “did Blair not tell you?”

“No,” Lucinda shakes her head, looking at Blair.

“No offence Lucy, but we do have other things to speak of, more important than the next royal wedding,” Blair responds, taking a sip of his champagne.

Princess Lucy glares at him, before looking at Lucinda with a force smile, “I’m marrying the Prince of Malarie.”

“A Prince?” Lucinda’s eyes widen, “well good for you. Congratulations!”

Princess Lucy’s smiles falters, before she regains control of it, “thank you.”

“So have I met him yet? What’s he like?” Lucinda asks a bright smile on her face.

“No, you haven’t met him yet. I haven’t met him yet.”

You haven’t met him?” Lucinda looks at Lucy in shock, “then why are you marrying him?”

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