The Wedding

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© 2011 Astrix

**A/N: Alright, so i noticed that the last chapter is only 3 pages long, which completely sucks, i actually wanted it to be longer. So in return to all of you who have stuck around through my slackness (THANK YOU SO MUCH) i've decided to post this long expected chapter. I hope you all enjoy it. =D


                                                                 CHAPTER 13

                                                                THE WEDDING

Blair stands on the wooden platform as he gets dressed into his white slacks and white jacket, looking at his reflection in the mirror in front of him.

He closes his eyes, but regrets it the moment he does.

Images of that day take over his mind. He curls his hands, grinding his teeth, trying to keep the anger in, the anger he felt when he saw him standing over his Lucy. The Adrenaline that made him rush to her aid, take him off of his precious, and the power that ran through his veins as he punched him in to face, and kicked him in the stomach until Damian pulled him off. Unfortunately for him, Damian pulled him in the direction of his precious. And what he saw, had him crumbling down to his knees. Tears, tears he never shed in public. Tears he only shed on two days in the whole year, the day of Lucy’s birthday, and the day of the accident, the day he thought he lost her.

But at that moment, as he kneeled there, looking at the naked figure he realized that those feeling, the feeling of lost, hurt, sorrow and incompleteness he had felt all his life was nothing to what he felt then. He felt failure, disappointment, disgust, and shame, and it was all thanks to him. Him who tried to take his love’s innocence from her, knowing full well, that if word got out that Lucinda’s virginity belonged to him, and not to her husband, or future husband, the situation of how it happened wouldn’t had matter, whether she was willing or not, Lucinda would had been frown upon, and even worse, would had been forced to leave Blair and marry him.

Blair’s blood began to boil at the curious yet excited tone that their majesties had used that day when they saw Lucinda’s still body. They had been expectant when they asked him if he done anything with her, wishing he say yes, and disappointed as he answered no. At that moment, Blair decided he has never hated his King and Queen more, the hatred he felt for them when they replaced decided to keep Lucy’s death quiet, and find an impostor was nothing compare to this. The King patted his back as he walked out of the room. It took everything Blair had not to shout out that he was patting the back of the man that just tried to rape his daughter, his real daughter.

Blair snorts, opening his eyes, likes Prince Alan could ever be considered a man. A man does not try to take a woman by force. He does not even deserve the tittle of Prince. A real man should never disrespect a woman. And those who think that it’s ok are worse than animals and they bring shame to mankind.

But he shouldn’t worry, no, Damian had done a good job, stating out the facts, stopping Blair from hating himself. And Lucinda, God Bless Her. She much more closer to him now. Snuggles against him every night in bed. Smiles and holds his hand whenever they’re close to each other. Her actions, he has to admit, have him curious as to how tonight will be. Their wedding night. Will she be terrified under his touch? Will they even be able to consume their marriage considering the events? How careful will he have to be with her?


Blair looks at his reflection in the mirror. During his day dreaming his dresser had managed to get his wardrobe finished.

There’s a knock on the door, and Blair turns around, stepping off the platform while saying, “enter.”

Damian comes in, dressed in his army uniform. His captain badge on his left breast pocket, with two medals hung over it, a blue cloth banner coming from his left shoulder down to his right hip where it goes around to his back, and coming up to his left shoulder once again. Above that is a Bronze rubber banner, thinner than the first, with a blue strip in the middle, following the same path as the first.

This uniform, unlike Blair’s is black. Considering that Blair is the one getting married, not Damian.


“To marry Lucinda?” Blair chuckles, and Damian smiles, “I was born ready.”

Lucinda looks at herself in the mirror one last time. Taking Mrs. Andrews’ hand, she steps off her platform, smiling at the stylist, who had gone on and on about how lucky Blair is to be marrying her. But Lucinda’s thoughts where past the wedding.

She had been thinking about the past few days, how Blair has been somewhat distant with her, will he even touch me tonight? Mrs. Andrews had gone through the entire wedding night ordeal with her that morning, after being told by Lucinda that she and Blair have never made love.  And Lucinda had to admit, she’s never been more nervous in her life. Forget walking down a half a mile aisle in front of a couple hundred people she’s never seen in her life and probably will never fully meet; it was her wedding night that had her in chills.

She smiles at Claire, whom she chose to be her Maid of Honor, considering she’s the only friend she has in this kingdom. Claire was honored, and accepted right away. Her dressed comes down loosely down to her ankles, and she secretly admitted to Lucinda that she liked being without a corset in public for once, which had them laughing to themselves until Mrs. Andrews and the designer had arrived.

The ride to the church was long, since it was all the way in the center of the kingdom. This gave Lucinda’s dormant nerves enough time to come out and make her want to vomit.

But it all disappeared the moment she saw his back. She smiles to Mr. Andrews, who she chose to walk her down the aisle, before they began walking to the rhythm of a soft and calm melody.

Everything else passed in a blur. One moment, Blair had his back to the entrance, while Lucinda walked towards him. The Next, they were saying “I Do” to each other, after placing a gold band in their third finger of their left hand. But the kiss, that went slow.

Blair bend in, but to Lucinda, it seemed he took forever to meet her lips, so she met him half way, causing him to smile against her lips. A few seconds went by with them just pressing their lips against each other, savoring the moment, before Lucinda pulled back a little, only to have Blair grab her face, bringing her lips back to his. Their lips dance around together, moving from side to side, only stopping to allow their tongues dance as well.

They would had kept going, if it hadn’t been for Prince Alan clearing his throat in annoyance, loud enough for the entire church to hear and Lucinda to pull back and hide her face in to Blair neck in embarrassment.

Blair smiled down at her, pulling her away from him, and turn around to face the crowd, moving his arm to her back, pulling her back to him and smiling down at her. His wife. 


**Alright so i was on a roll, i wrote this chapter just now, but idk when i'll be posting the next chapter. But, it will be soon, and keep in mind that it will manly be a filler, as every story needs one, to a much bigger event. And also, the chapter to the story are numbered. SO only a few more left, don't know exactly how may, but most definately less than ten. 

i hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know is short, i personally am not good with wedding descriptions, which is weird considering that im at a wedding every four years or so :/. 

Vote, comment. Let me know what y'all think! =D

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