The Princess of the Lost Island

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© 2011 Astrix

*Ok so i know it took me along time AGAIN to post this ... but i faced a little writer's block and i just found my solution .... First person POV just wasn't working for me, and i apologize in advance if some of you prefer first person perspective, but it honestly wasn't working for me . and as soon as i realized that ideas began purring in my head ... so from this chapter on, the story is in third person .... Now im sure you all know that microsoft word and wattpad pages arent the same, so i don't know how many pages are going to appear, but in Microsoft Word there were 6 1/2 pages the must ive ever written ... i hope you all like this chapter, i promise that things will be more exciting from now on .... *


                                                                Chapter 5:

                                               The Princess of the Lost Island

            Princess Lucinda comes out of her cabin to join Prince Damian outside of it. The Prince grabs her elbow softly and leads her down the hall to the stairs leading to the deck where Blair is already waiting, leaning against the rails looking ahead, trying to see through the fog.

            “Ah, she finally comes out,” Blair turns around to face the two. “It's a pleasure to be in your presence again your highness.”

            “I wish I could say the same,” Lucy responds in the same sarcastic tone Blair used, causing anyone in hearing age -in other words, everyone- to laugh.

            Lucy goes to stand in front of the rails, and she too tries to see through the fog, but fails, and turns around to face Damian, as he stands in the middle of the deck with everyone’s attention on him.

            “Alright, I just want to make one thing clear,” the Prince says once he has everyone’s attention, “no one aboard this vessel is allowed to speak of where exactly we found Princess Lucinda. If word gets out that there’s an island filled with just animals, by the time the year’s up, the Princess will have nothing to go back there to,” Lucy gasps, her eyes wide as she hears the words coming out of the Princes mouth. “And we will not just be protecting the Island, but also the Princess. You all know how outsiders are treated, just multiply that by ten, and that’s exactly how people will treat the Princess if they learn among who she was raised.”

            “I thought you said you kingdom was filled with nice, happy people,” Lucy exclaims, still starring at the Prince with wide eyes.

            “Yes, but even the best of Kingdoms have those who look too high up to care about others, and who like to spend their times putting others down,” it wasn’t the Prince who replied, but Blair, “unfortunately for you, Princess, you will be around those types of people. So it is better that they believe you are from a small island where you are the Princess.”

            “But I am from a small island where I am the Princess,” Lucy replies in confusion.

            “Yes, you are,” Prince Damian answers her, “but we’ll be pretending that you were raised by humans, not animals,” Damian turns back to his audience, all twenty of his men look upon his, they were all outsiders once, having come from a small island as well, conquered a few years ago by the people of Departe, and treated by the rich as if they were the dirt under their shoes. It was an honor, when the Prince picked them to be his team for all his Voyages. “Do I have your word that what we all saw two days ago will remain forever more unspoken of?”

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