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© 2011 Astrix

**A/N: OMG Guys! I had this chapter written down and ready to upload and my internet left me! AHHH!!!! 

Like seriously, i was just about to click Save & Public and I noticed the IM thing reconnecting and i was like Oh Man! specially since it was already 11:55 PM. I knew i should had uploaded earlier, BUT my computer was running low on memory and I REALLY needed to do a clean up to have more free space so i spent like two hours doing that. and before that i was sleeping. :P i don't celebrate Easter so yeah. Just like i don't celebrate Halloween. And i'm babbling now, so, go on. Read the chapter. 


                                                                 Chapter 16


Lucinda’s laughter fills the air as she and Claire arrive at the De Arlie Manor. Lucinda had spent part of the morning at Claire’s own little house in the outer part of town. She has been doing so for the last two months, enjoying the loud noise from the market and the smell of the sea. It reminded her of home. It made her feel homesick too, but doesn’t when you’ve been gone from home for five months.

They step in to the living room area where they find themselves with Blair, Damian, and to Lucinda’s surprise, Gwendolyn.

“Good afternoon,” Clair says, bowing down to the guest, before hastily walking away.

“She mingles with the help? Blair, I believe you should hold your wife’s reins a little tighter,” Gwendolyn says loud enough for everyone to hear, throwing a disgusted look toward the direction Claire had left through.

“Just because they’re not up to your standards doesn’t mean they’re not up to mine,” Lucinda glares at Gwendolyn.


“Enough,” Damian glares over at Gwendolyn, “you said you wanted to be friends with Lucinda, not criticize her way to be.”

“Sorry,” Gwendolyn states, but to Lucinda she doesn’t look sorry at all.

“So how was your day?” Blair comes to stand next to Lucinda, bending down to peck her cheek.

“It was great, thank you,” Lucinda smiles at him. “How was yours?”

“Busy,” Blair rolls his eyes, “and it’s not even over yet.”

“You have more work to do?”

“Well, our dear Damian here,” Blair looks pointedly at the Prince, “has decided that he wants to start overtaking the jobs he’ll have as King.”

“The more I know, the better King I’ll be.”

“A King isn’t made,” Lucinda tells him, “a King is born a King. A King’s job is to learn from his predecessors, listen to his people, and take care of his kingdom. Everything else that you must know is plain courtesy and a way to make people think your job is harder than it actually is. If you need to truly learn anything, you must learn how to make treaties, so that you’re always at peace with your neighbors and with those that oppose threats to your kingdom.”

“And you know this how exactly?” Damian asks her, his eyebrows rose.

“Is something I’ve always had in my mind,” Lucinda frowns, thinking hard, “it’s a memory from when I was little. A Men’s voice, I think it’s my father or my grandfather’s said that.” Her words made her frown even harder.

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