Mrs. Andrews Tells it Like It Is

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© 2011 Astrix

**A/N: so I've decided that I'm done keeping you guys guessing what's going on. So, today I'm ending The Lost Princess. 

Let the end begin ----


Chapter 20

Mrs. Andrews Tells It Like It Is

It’s been a month since Lucinda ran away. Claire has kept her end of the bargain about not telling anyone that she’s there, but Lucinda can see Claire’s resolve weakening.

They avoid talking about the Manor, or most importantly Blair, although Lucinda knows that Claire is dying to tell her about him, just as much as she’s dying to ask about him. But it doesn’t help that Lucinda has been terrifying Claire with her offbeat mood swings. One moment Lucinda is happy, making Claire think that it’s a perfect moment to talk about her going back to Blair, and the next she’s mad, furious, for no reason, all Claire does is mention the rumor, or how everyone is hating on the Royals, or Princess Lucy- or Evangeline as everyone is referring to now- upcoming wedding, and she freaks out. Then she starts crying. And once she’s done crying, she’s happy again.

And then there’s the eating. Lucinda has been eating so much that not only is she vomiting every morning or night, but she’s gaining weight. Not too much, but sitting down doing nothing while eating a lot is slowly making her fat.

It’s night, and Lucinda knows that Claire will be back soon. She smiles looking around her. She had decided to show her gratefulness to Claire by cleaning up the cabin. Yes, she had to rest almost every minute, for some reason her body was always tired, but she managed. The door opens and Lucinda’s smile falters as she stands up.

“Lucinda!” Mrs. Andrews exclaims, running towards Lucinda and embracing her in a hug, but just as she does, Lucinda faints.

“Blair, you have guests,” Mr. Andrews pops his head inside Blair’s office.

“I don’t want to see anyone,” Blair groans from the sofa, his hair is unbrushed, eyes have slight tint of red in them, his shirt is untucked and pants are sagging as he stares blankly at the ceiling.

“It’s their majesties,” at his words Blair sits up, oh no.

“They haven’t.”

“I think they have.”

Blair sets the whiskey bottle on the floor. If they’ve heard that Lucinda has run away, he shakes his head. There’s no if’s. They have most likely heard of it. I have been locked up in this room for a month now. I have no idea of what rumors are flying around the kingdom. But I’m sure that after my little incident a few days ago, Lucinda running away is no secret. But I will not accept their offer, Blair scuff as he walks out of his office, more like order. I will not take another wife.


Lucinda’s eyes start to open slowly, and she finds herself looking at the ceiling and hearing voices, one female and one male. Her heart suddenly goes overdrive, but then slows down as she realizes she is not familiar with that voice. Meaning, it’s not Blair.

She starts to sit up, when she hears, “she’s awake.” She glances to her left, to see Claire rushing to her side, helping her sit up.

“What happened?”

“You fainted,” A man with brown hair slowly graying and green eyes says, coming to stand next to Lucinda in a black shirt with black slacks, “I’m Doctor Nelson. You have been out of it for half an hour. Don’t freak out. I can only imagine that your body needs rest and you have not given it to it.”

“If we give into our bodies then we become weak,” Lucinda states, patting her stomach, “weak and fat.” The three in the room chuckle, and Lucinda looks at them confused, “what?”

“Lucinda darling,” Mrs. Andrews comes to her from the other side of the bed, sitting down by her head, and brushing her hair, “you’re not fat. You’re merely pregnant.”


“You’re with child,” Claire clarifies with a smile on her face.

Lucinda looks down at her stomach in shock, passing her hands through it, Claire’s words repeating in her head, with child. With child. With child. “Blair.”

“Yes,” Mrs. Andrews smiles, then looks at the Doctor, “thank you Nelson, please expect your money by tomorrow.”

Doctor Nelson bows, before leaving the room.

“Now, Lucinda,” Mrs. Andrews tone makes Lucinda clinch, “we must talk.”

“Must we do so now?”

“If not now, then when?” Mrs. Andrews asks, “now, as I’ve understand it, you and Blair had an argument and you left. May I ask what this argument was about? Was it that big of a deal that you felt you had to leave your husband and hide out for an entire month?”


“Was it really?” Mrs. Andrews steps away from Lucinda, glaring at her, “because let me tell you this. I’ve known that boy my entire life, and I’ve never seen him in much pain as he is now. Not when his parents die. Not even when the love of his life died. Given, I didn’t know she had died back then, but that explains a lot.”

“The love of his life?” Lucinda asks, feeling hurt, her other hand joining the other at her belly.

“Princess Lucy,” Mrs. Andrews tells her, “when he brought you to that house, I thought, well, I’ll be damn, that boy has finally found his Lucy.” Lucinda froze at her choice of words, “I remember him sleeping around with all those whores, his way to forget that love he had for the Princess, and may she rest in peace.”

At that moment Lucinda starts crying, bringing her legs up and hugging her knees.

“I don’t mean to upset you Lucinda,” Mrs. Andrews tone softens, “my point is, that until you came in to his life, Blair was lost, you are his light, without you he feels like he’s nothing. Do you know what he’s been doing since you left?” Lucinda doesn’t respond, but Mrs. Andrews wasn’t looking for an answer, “he’s been drinking himself away. And do you know what he did just a few days ago?” Again, Mrs. Andrews doesn’t wait for Lucinda to respond, “He nearly killed himself that’s what!”

“What?!” Lucinda is off the bed, swaying slightly at the rapidness, but she stares at Mrs. Andrews in shock regardless, “he tried what?!”

“Oh, now you care do you?” Mrs. Andrews exclaims, “while you’ve been here relaxing and taking your time at forgiving him, my boy has been suffering, wasting himself away, for you! And here you are, with his child! Not caring whether he lives or dies.”

“Of course I care!”

“Really?” Mrs. Andrews exclaims, “then why are you still here? Why haven’t you gone back? If you truly care for him, if you truly love him, you would have been forgiven him. He would have been standing right here next to you receiving the news that you’re with child.”

Lucinda stands frozen, not words to says, knowing that Mrs. Andrews is completely right. She wipes the tears off her face, and stands up straight, “let’s go then.”


**If you guys pay attention to the cover, you can see that it's slightly different than the one before. This is the second cover ChristineJoyLuikuo made for me.

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