The Mall

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Ghirahim, Sophia, and Gem sits on the couch, lying on each other. "I'm so bored!" Gem yells. "I feel you there," Ghirahim says, then Link runs over from the kitchen. " 'ey guys, wanna go ta da mall and get some sparklin' lip gloss and flip flops?" Link asks, then Ghirahim and Gem sits up, both gasping. "Are they on sale!?" Ghirahim excitedly yells. "You really are gay, aren't you, Ghirahim?" Sophia asks, crossing her arms. "You know I'm not! I mean, I could be gayer," Ghirahim says. "Ya seriously want lip gloss and flip flops?" Link asks. "I do!" Gem excitedly yells. "Not ya! Ghirahim!" Link yells. "Well, I want the lip gloss. Not the flip flops," Ghirahim says. "HA, GAY!!!" Sophia yells, her hands cupped around her mouth. "Whatever!" Ghirahim yells. "Alright, let's go!" Zelda yells, popping out of thin air.

~time skip brought to you Ghirahim styling his hair ~

"Aww! This skirt is so cute!" Zelda squeals. "I love these high tops. Aren't they like absolutely adorable?" Ghirahim asks, everyone then staring at him. "Uhh... I mean... for you, Zelda! They really bring out your eyes!" Ghirahim stutters, trying to make everyone forget what he said. "Aww, thanks!" Zelda yells.

- Is Ghirahim really gay? The world may never know. -

(That picture above is Gem)

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