Link Tells Ilia the Truth

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Link sits at a parking bench as a taxi pulls up and a door opens, Ilia stepping out as she shuts the door behind her. "Link, you're really here!" Ilia yells. "Of course I am," Link replies, but then Ilia jumps onto his lap and plants kisses all over his face. He starts to kiss her back, then he suddenly pushes her back and she gasps. "Link, what's wrong, dear?" Ilia asks. "There's something I need ta tell ya," Link replies. "Anything. Shoot," Ilia says. "While ya were gone at Southern City...I slept wiv Zelda in my car and she's now pregnant wiv my baby. And we're keeping it...," Link explains, then Ilia's eyes suddenly widen. "What?" she asks, completely shocked. "Ya, I know. I'm sorry," Link states, then Ilia quickly and violently jumps off of Link's lap. "You're sorry!? You're fucking telling me you slept with another girl and got her pregnant!?" Ilia angrily yells, then Link nods. "And she's keeping the baby!?" Ilia continues to angrily yell. "My baby. Ya...," Link replies, then Ilia starts walking off down the sidewalk and Link gets up out the parking bench with a gasp. "Where are ya goin'!? Leavin' meh!?" Link shouts, then Ilia stops and looks back at him with an angered expression on her face. "Yeah! I'm supposed to stay with you after learning another girl is pregnant with your baby!?" Ilia yells. "Well, ya were pregnant wiv Cawlin's baby earlier," Link replies, then Ilia angrily walks over towards him with a bright red face and tears in her eyes. "You son of a bitch, I got pregnant before we started dating. But we were dating while you decided to go fuck Zelda in your car!" Ilia yells. "And I'm sorry!" Link yells back. "Sorry is going to cut it! You cheated on me! And not only got her pregnant. She's your responsibility now," Ilia states, then starts walking off down the sidewalk again. "Ilia, wait!" Link calls out, but Ilia continues to walk off. He then kicks the parking bench in frustration, then looks down at the ground angrily with his arms crossed.

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