Fi's Emotions

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"You know, I would love to see you smile one day, Bluebird," Ghirahim states, his arms crossed. "I am incapable of smiling," Fi replies. "Oh, quit your emotionless sword act. We both know you're capable of feeling emotions, you're just not expressing it. Why not try thinking of something that makes you happy? Maybe some good memories will crack a smile on your pretty blue face," Ghirahim states, poking Fi on the nose with his index finger. "Happy...?" Fi asks herself, then closes her eyes, picturing herself with Swordspirit. She opens her eyes with a giggle and smile, her blue cheeks turning lightly pink. "Whoa! You look so cute! What did you think about? Was it me and my beautiful face?" Ghirahim surprisely asks, placing his hands on Fi's shoulders. "That is classified information," she replies.

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