Zelda Tells Gaeorpa the Truth

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Gaeorpa walks into the kitchen in a red robe, opens the refrigerator and pulls out a carton of milk. He then grabs a glass cup from the cabinet hanging from the ceiling and pours himself a cup of milk. He then places the carton of milk back in the refrigerator, then gasps as he notices Zelda sitting in a chair with her face in her knees. "Whoa...baby, you startled me. I thought you were asleep," Gaeorpa states, then Zelda shakes her head, her face still in her knees. "Well, you look like you're about to burst into tears. What's wrong?" Gaeorpa asks. "I'm having a baby...," Zelda mumbles. "Zelda, speak clearly. You know I can't understand your mumbling," Gaeorpa replies as he crosses his arms. "I'm having a baby! You hear that!?" Zelda yells, then Gaeorpa gasps. "You're what!?" he yells. "I'm pregnant," Zelda states, then Gaeorpa looks away. "I'm sorry, Father," Zelda says. "Since when did this happen? Who's the father?" Gaeorpa asks. "Link," Zelda replies. "Link!? No way. He's your best friend, nothing more," Gaeorpa states. "We are just friends, but I don't know...," Zelda mumbles. "How did this happen!? How is my baby girl knocked up!?" Gaeorpa yells. "Well, it was at the school dance. I caught Jack cheating on me with some girl and I slept with Link for revenge. However, I think I may have missed a pill and the condom broke. I'm sorry," Zelda explains, then Gaeorpa breathes heavily as he places his hand on his forehead. "Does...does he know?" he asks. "Who? Link? Of course he knows," Zelda replies. "I'm going to need a talk with him," Gaeorpa states, then Link walks over by the doorway and he gasps as Zelda and Gaeorpa looks over at him. "Oh...hey. Wat's goin' on?" Link asks between stutters. "Link, I just told him...," Zelda replies. "Dat you're...?" Link asks, then Zelda nods and Link's eyes widens. "I wanna talk to you, Link. Just you and me," Gaeorpa states, then Link suddenly ran off and Zelda gasps. "Running off, huh? I knew he wasn't as courageous as everyone says he is," Gaeorpa says and Zelda places her face back into her knees with a frown.

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