Ghirahim, Zant, and Link

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"Move it! The royal treasures are mine!" Link yells. "Look Link, I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now. I've been stuck with the most annoying partner on the face of this planet and he just makes me so angry! Also, I'm still hangover from all the beer and wine I had last night! So please, just go away!" Ghirahim angrily yells. "Then where's your annoying partner?" Link asks. "Thank the Goddess that he's in the treasure room!" Ghirahim yells, then Zant walks out, empty-handed. "Where's the treasure?" Ghirahim asks. "Oh, I was supposed to grab that?" Zant asks. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" Ghirahim angrily shouts. "Yay! Da treasure's mine!" Link yells. "Zant, when we get back, I will decapicate you," Ghirahim says. "Yay!" Zant yells. "Do you know what decapicate mean?" Ghirahim asks. "Does it involve cake?" Zant asks. "Yeah, it can. I can eat some right after I separate your head from your neck," Ghirahim says. "Wait, what?" Zant asks, hearing the last part the angry demon lord said. "Yeah. Decapitation means separating your head from your neck," Ghirahim says. "Well, that's no fun," Zant says. "It is for me," Ghirahim chuckles. "Why would you do that?" Zant asks. "Because I'm angry at you!" Ghirahim yells. "Ever heard of anger management classes?" Zant asks. "Ever heard of an education? Because you clearly have none!" Ghirahim replies. "Link got away with the treasure. He just walked up with it," Zant says. "And you just let him?" Ghirahim asks. "Yeah," Zant replies. "You idiot!" Ghirahim yells at him. "Oh, that's right. We were supposed to get it," Zant says, rubbing the back of his head. "Ugh... just never mind," Ghirahim angrily says.

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