Link In The Tree

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Link sits on the tree branch, leaning against the trunk. Zelda, Colan, and Coca walks over, and gasps, seeing Link in the tree. "Dad!" Colan yells. "Link, how did you get up there!?" Zelda yells. "I don't know! I woke up here!" Link yells back. "How about you come down?" Zelda asks. "I can't," Link says. "Why not?" Zelda asks. "Meh stomach's killing meh! I ate so much things last night! I ate a freaking armadillo!" Link yells. "How!? They have shells!" Zelda yells. "Dat's da point! Meh body is trying ta digest shells!" Link yells, then holds his stomach, groaning with pain. "Link! Are you okay up there!?" Zelda yells, concerned. "Nah! I'm digesting shells!" Link yells, continuing to groan with pain. "What do you want us to do?" Zelda asks. "Just leave meh alone...please...," Link groans, then Zelda frowns, then nods. "Come on, kids. You heard your father," Zelda says. "But!" Coca yells, stopping her sentence. "Come on," Zelda says, holding Colan's hand in her right hand and Coca's hand in her left. "Ya know dat phrase, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse? Guess wat? I made da phrase happened!" Link yells in pain, holding his stomach. "Poor Dad," Coca says. "Yeah...," Colan replies. "I wonder what's got into him," Zelda says.

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