Link's Birthday

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"Wow, dat's cool how ya made everyone look like they died," Link says. "Yep. And you solved the mystery. Good job. That was your birthday surprise," Toan says. " 'ey, thanks. So how did ya make it where we'll fall inta da jelly like dat? Damn, dat must of taken forever ta plan," Link says, then takes a bite out of his cake. "We never planned that. You guys just happened to fall into it," Zelda says. "So ya mean...," Link says, stopping his sentence. "That you and Toan could have crushed into the ground screaming with blood and your bones burning from the flames? Yes. Happy birthday, Link," Ghirahim says, then takes a bite out of his cake. Link puts his fork down and looks at himself, then frowns, thinking of how his life could have ended today.

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