Groose and Peatrice

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Groose and Peatrice lie under a blanket, both naked and they slowly looked towards each other. "Wow, did we just do that?" Groose asks. "Yes. Yes, we did," Peatrice replies. "Peatrice...what did we just do?" Groose then asks. "Um...we just had sex," Peatrice slowly responds. "Oh Goddess, don't use that word!" Groose yells, grabbing the sides of his head in frustration. "It's okay. No one needs to know. Not my dad. Not your mom. Not Link. Not Cawlin. Not Stritch. No one. No one has to know this happened," Peatrice explains. "Don't you have any friends, Peatrice?" Groose asks. "Other than you and Link, no. You know this," Peatrice replies. "Well, it's really weird to call us friends now, huh?" Groose asks. "Hey, we can still be friends. I mean, Link and Zelda are still friends and they had sex, right?" Peatrice asks as she and Groose sits up. "You're right, you're right. We were just relieving stress, and it's in the past now," Groose states. "Yeah, yeah. Good way to think of it," Peatrice replies. "Anyway, it's about time for me to get home. Just in time, am I right?" Groose asks, then he and Peatrice awkwardly chuckle as he grabs his shirt off the floor and puts it on. "Anyway, that was fun. And I hope you thought the same thing," Peatrice says. "Oh yes. It was good. Great, in fact. You were truly a virgin," Groose replies as he zips up his pants. "You too, Groose," Peatrice says, then they both chuckle as Groose puts on his brown boots. "Anyway, got to go. See you, Peatrice," Groose says. "See you," Peatrice replies. "And we're not telling Link?" Groose asks. "Not," Peatrice replies again. "Okay, making sure. Bye!" Groose yells. "Bye!" Peatrice yells as Groose runs out the room and she grabs her cellphone off her dresser. "Damn it, my dad's about to be home. I gotta get clean," Peatrice mumbles to herself, then she opens her dresser and grabs a clean change of clothes before jumping out of her bed and leaving her room.

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