Zant Calls Ghirahim

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Zant grabs his cellphone and presses the power button. "Um... nine...," Zant mumbles as he dials it into his cellphone. A ring goes off and he gasps. "Hello, it's Demon Lord, Ghirahim, how may I help you?" Ghirahim answers, then Zant chuckles. "Oh, hey pal! What's up!?" Zant yells into the phone and he gasps. "What the!? Who are you!?" Ghirahim asks. "Name's Zant, you?" Zant asks. "Um, I already told you. I'm Lord Ghirahim," Ghirahim says. "Oh, hey! So what are you up to?" Zant asks. "None of your damn business! How did you get the hold of my number?" Ghirahim asks. "Oh, I don't know. I just typed in random numbers and it just happened to be yours!" Zant yells. "Oh dear Goddess...allow me to commit suicide," Ghirahim mumbles. "Ooh, do you have cake? I love cake!" Zant yells. "Um, well, actually, I had some before you called... wait a minute, why?" Ghirahim asks. "I shall grab my blades and rip the cake from your discarded corpse," Zant says in a deep, robotic-like voice. "Um... what?" Ghirahim asks, kind of freaked out. "Nothing," Zant says, all innocent-like. "Don't ever do that again, okay?" Ghirahim asks. "Do what?" Zant asks, as he doesn't have a clue in the world. "The... the deep voice thing. It's genuinely creepy," Ghirahim replies. "You're the one to speak, Ghirahim! Everything about you is creepy, even your face!" Zant yells. "Well, that was polite," Ghirahim sarcastically says. "Hey Ghirahim, where do you live?" Zant asks. "Like I'll tell you that," Ghirahim replies. "You know, Ghirahim's kinda a mouth full. Can I just call you Gary?" Zant asks. "No, it's Ghirahim!" Ghirahim yells. "How about I just call you Lord G?" Zant asks. "No!" Ghirahim yells. "Mister Fabulous?" Zant asks. "Heck no!" Ghirahim yells. "G-String?" Zant asks. "No!" Ghirahim yells. "What about Hissy?" Zant asks. "I don't even understand how you came up with that!" Ghirahim yells. "Because you're throwing a hissy fit," Zant says. "Look Zant! I'm not a big fan of nicknames! You only refer to me as Ghirahim. Lord Ghirahim if possible," Ghirahim says. "Um...geez, how do you not mess up on saying your name? It's so long... Ghirahim...," Zant slowly says out. "Okay, Zant, look, I am hanging up and I would love it if you didn't call back. Okay, got it? Bye and I never want to hear from you again," Ghirahim says, then he hangs up and Zant gasps. He redials in the number and Ghirahim answers. "Hello?" Ghirahim asks. "Hello, it's Zant again!" Zant yells. "Hell, I told you I never wanted to hear from you again! I told you not to call again!" Ghirahim yells. "But I got bored," Zant replies. "Under ten seconds!?" Ghirahim yells. "Five," Zant says. "This is ridiculous, you know that, right?" Ghirahim asks. "You seem like a cool guy, Ghirahim. Wanna meet in person?" Zant asks. "No, you're already annoying enough on the phone," Ghirahim says. "Hey Ghirahim...I live in Twilight Palace," Zant says. "That's wonderful. Now I know where not to go. Thanks. Now when I hang up, do not call back. If you do, my fish aquarium will be filled with your blood. Do you understand?" Ghirahim asks. "Okay," Zant says. "Okay, bye Zant!" Ghirahim yells, then hangs up. His phone rings and he answers. "WHAT!?" Ghirahim screams into the phone. "Um, okay, man?" Demise asks. "Oh, Master, it's just you. I'm so sorry. It's just this idiot kept calling me and it was annoying," Ghirahim says. "Really? Who?" Demise asks. "Um...he called himself Zant, I think," Ghirahim says. "Oh, Zant? Your new mission partner? Wonderful," Demise replies. "Wait, you mean I'll be doing missions with Zant?" Ghirahim asks. "Yep, that's the plan," Demise says. "Excuse me, Master," Ghirahim politely says, then holds the phone on his lap. He screams loudly with rage.

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