Carlos and Seth

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"Oh my God! Why did I do that!? She's Ghirahim's wife! I can't believe I jumped on her like that! Now she's gonna surely kill me! And if she tells Ghirahim...," Carlos says to himself, then gasps at the thought. His phone vibrates, then he answers. "Hello?" he asks. "Oh, hey, Carlos. It's Seth again. Coca insists my father is gay, but I disagree. What's your opinion on that?" Seth asks. "He's not gay! He's bi!" Carlos yells. "That's what I said, but Coca won't listen!" Seth yells. "Look Seth, I'm very frustrated, okay?" Carlos asks. "Geez, what happened?" Seth asks. "I did I really bad thing and I regret it," Carlos replies. "Oh yeah? What'cha do? It's okay. You can tell your pal, Seth," Seth gently says, then Carlos sighs. "Okay...but you have to promise not to tell anyone," Carlos states. "Alright. If it'll get you to tell me shit," Seth replies. "Good. It's about your mother...," Carlos slowly says. "Oh my God, she's dying, ain't she? Oh Mommy, please don't go!" Seth cries. "No! She's fine! She's not going to die!" Carlos yells. "Oh, good. Dad and I don't have enough money for a funeral," Seth replies. "Okay, listen. I was being stupid and...I kinda threw myself at Sophia," Carlos explains, then Seth signs. "You finally did it, huh? You know what's funny? That vagina is a wasteland. Gem was almost fifteen pounds at birth. I also carved in 'Da Pussy' in it too," Seth says. "Oh, that's great," Carlos sarcastically replies. "Hey, this is true stuff! I'm just saying, Gem dragged like half of Mom when she was born. Damn thing was wide open, I practically just walked out of it," Seth explains. "And you carved 'Da Pussy'?" Carlos asks. "Yeah, did you see it, Carlos? Did you see 'Da Pussy'?" Seth asks. "No, we didn't have sex! She rejected me!" Carlos yells. "Oh, sorry, Grumpy," Seth replies. "You know what? I don't even know why I'm telling you this. You're a child," Carlos says. "I'm 14," Seth replies. "Yeah. A child," Carlos states. "No, not really. I'm at that age where sex really interests me," Seth replies. "Bye Seth," Carlos says, then hangs up.

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