Heather and Kerrel: Did Sandar and Dedana Kiss!?

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Kerrel at the table, reading a newspaper, then Heather barges in the room, throwing the newspaper out Kerrel's hands. "Um... well...that was very polite," Kerrel sarcastically says. "Kerrel, you won't believe what Dedana just told me! She said her and Sandar kissed!" Heather yells. "Whoa!" Kerrel replies. "I know! I can't believe it!" Heather yells. "She is on the laughing gas. She could just be telling stuff," Kerrel says. "Well, she was all like 'Shh! Don't tell Heather!' " Heather yells. "And the one person she does tell is Heather!" Kerrel yells, chuckling. "Kerrel!" Heather yells. "Sorry. If you're so concerned about it, ask Sandar. He should give you a straight response," Kerrel says. "Okay. And sorry for throwing your newspaper out your hands," Heather says. "It's okay. I had worse happen to me," Kerrel replies. "Like what?" Heather asks. "Hearing Sandar and Dedana might kiss, that's what! Ask Sandar now!" Kerrel yells. "I will! Where is he?" Heather asks. "In his room, I think," Kerrel replies. "Thank you! See you then!" Heather yells, charging up the staircase. " 'Kay!" Kerrel yells, then drinks from a cup of coffee.

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