Part 1

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Hey everyone! This is my first story on Wattpad. I hope that somebody out there likes it! If you do then please comment and vote! If you don't then tough! Please don't post any horrible comments, any mean stuff will just be deleted and ignored. Constructive criticism and story ideas would be great!

Thanks for reading!




-Chapter 1-

Wind and rain hammered outside and i couldn't help but be happy cuddled up under the thick quilt on my bed watching Finding Nemo. i was tearing up at the death of Nemo's mum when i thought i heard a loud bang. Sitting bolt upright, i paused the DVD and strained my ears, trying to find any more signs of life. I waited for what felt like an eternity before i started to relax and settle back down into my bed, when i heard a thud. This time, i jumped out of my skin and fell onto the floor face down next to my bed almost catching my head on the top of my bedside table. "Eeeeuuurrrgghh!" i groaned in pain. I hadn't managed to get my hands ready in time to catch myself so i was splatted on the floor, my face and boobs crushed under my weight.

I laid there for a moment, gathering up the energy to stand and face the intruder in the house. When the energy never found me, i pushed myself to my knees and thought about the new bruises i was going to get. Boob bruises were not attractive.I clutched them protectively then remembered why i'd ended up hurting myself in the first place.

I crept over to my door and opened it slowly. The corridor was dark and, as far as i could tell, exactly how i'd left it. It wasn't mum and dad getting home, if they were home i would have heard their car pulling into the driveway and they would've shouted as they opened the front door to let me know that they were back. Maybe it was Dylan getting in from the party he was going to. But he was meant to be staying at a friends. I was a little panicky now. I didn't know where the noise had come from. i was starting to hypeventilate a little. I told myself to breathe and think.

I can take on whoever it is, i thought to myself, i just need a weapon. Yes! A weapon!...Where the hell could i get a weapon?! I mean, i could get a knife from the kitchen but that was downstairs and i could get attacked on my way there. No, i needed something closer. Think...think...think...the baseball bat just inside the door in Dylan's room. That would do. i just had to walk the small distance from my door to his. I could do that, couldn't i?

I took a small, scared step onto the landing and then quickly tiptoed to my brother's door, it wasn't far as his room was directly next to mine. I gripped the cold door handle and turned it slowly. I opened it slowly just enough to slip my hand between the door and the frame to grip the handle of the baseball bat in my right hand. I didn't want to open the door to far because going in my brother's room was strictly forbidden, as was him going in my room, there was such a thing as privacy.

"Sssssshhhhhhh." i heard the loud whisper on the other side of my brother's bedroom door. My hands froze. The intruder was inside Dylan's room...INTRUDERS...they had to be saying shush to someone else. There was at least two of them. What  to do now? If i retreated and shut the door then they would know that i was in the house but i couldn't take on two people, especially if they were guys like i expected they were.

Either way, they were gonna get me eventually. And in that moment i made my decision. Fight or flight? I was gonna fight. I pushed the door open and gripped the baseball bat with both hands, lifting it over my head and running towards the two dark silhouettes in the room letting out a battle cry.

Both of them lifted their heads at the sound of my scream, i still couldn't tell who they were or how they were finding my heroic gesture because their faces were in complete darkness. They were both motionless as i approached, then they seemed to share a glance and when i got within swinging distance of hitting them they seemed to react.

I attacked my brother's hot best you think he likes me?Where stories live. Discover now