Part 26

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Here's another chappie! Not gonna ramble on this time, just wanted to say a big thank you for the continued support and just hope you enjoy this part!

Remember to let me know what you think by commenting and voting!




-Chapter 26-

The cold was starting to seep through my pj bottoms from the bathroom tiles where i was sat. I'd given up sitting on the bath due to how it was giving me dead legs but i was beginning to find out that the floor wasn't much better.

"So, hang on, let me backtrack for just a moment here." I waited for Jenny to say the obvious. "So a stunning guy has not only made out with you on more than one occasion...which for the record could have gone a lot further if you weren't such a prissy pants..."

"Prissy pants?" I asked raising my eyebrow as if she could see me.

"Yes...i mean that you are way too stuck up to drop your knickers!" She emphasised each word and i cringed at her crudeness.

"Thanks for that, Jenny." I replied sarcastically.

"You're welcome. anyway...stop could have gone a lot further, was my point. But also this guy is now telling you that he loves you and you don't immediately say it back?!" Jenny made it a question but i had a feeling she wasn't really wanting my answer. I tried anyway.

"Look, Jen-" I was right. She hadn't wanted an answer. She cut me off.

"Not only that but history has been made! You are in a matter how disfunctionally you are reacting to it...and this relationship could actually work. You never know by the end of the month you might not be so much of a prissy pants." I could picture Jenny raising her eyebrows repeatedly at me in her attempt at 'subtle suggestion'. As you've probably begun to guess by now, she's not very good at subtlety.

"If i were wiith you, i'd have to hit you, you know that right?" Jenny gigled at me. "You're right though." I confessed.

"Sorry...what was that?...i don't think i heard you correctly. Did you just say i'm right? Could i get that in writing please?" Her voice was thick with sarcasm.

"Yes you heard me correctlly but i'm afraid i don't have a pen on me right now." My response was just as sarcastic only lightened by my laughter. "Anyway, back to the point. You're right, i should have said it back but i just don't know if it's right yet."

Jenny sighed. "Cryssie, there is no right and wrong when it comes down to our feelings. You know i'm not the totally sappy type but even i know that if you feel something for someone, you feel it you know?...Does that make sense?"

"No, it doesn't...but at the same time it does." I confessed. "Anyway...enough about me and the pathetic failure i am, have you spoken to Dylan at all?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" I could picture her grinning with delight. "He's still visiting me everyday. And we just sit and chat and i feel so comfortable around him and i'm telling him everything and even though i wish i didn't have a broken leg, which is ridiculously painful still by the way...not that you asked...i am so glad that our first college party ended the way it did." Our happiness appeared to be affecting each other because my cheeks were beginning to ache from smiling so much. "Things are just going so well for both of us right now, aren't they?" For some reason that made my smile drop a little.

Things were going great for us right now. In my opinion that meant that things were gonna go horribly wrong very soon. That was just my experience of things. I needed to tell Dylan about Marcus and me and also tell him to go for it with Jenny. Though i knew that having that conversation with Dylan was going to be the start of all our problems.

"Crys...You still there?"

"Hmm." I mumbled my response.

"You just went really quiet at the best bit of my story when you should have started squealing. What's the matter? Are you overthinking things again?" There was a scalding tone to her voice.

"Yes, i am. I'm happy for you...i'm happy for me too but i'm just not sure where we're going to end up at the end of all this." We were both silent after that for a long time lost in our own little worlds.

"I should probably go back to sleep." Jenny broke the silence and i knew i'd upset her.

"Jenny...forget what i said...i'm sorry, i didn't want to upset you." I tried to sound as sincere and apologetic as possible. She was my best friend, i couldn't ruin that over my own insecurities.

She huffed. "I know. I just wish you would let yourself be happy for a while and stop putting both of us down." She paused but i knew she wasn't finished yet. "I'm gonna go for it with Dylan by the way. And if it blows up in my face then at least i know i went for it and didn't let the opportunity pass me by."

"Good. Do you know how you're going to do it...when you're going to do it?" I questioned.

"Probably next weekend. I'm getting my cast taken off on Wednesday so i'll have more manouevrability." The suggestive tone of her voice was not lost on me but i just giggled and let her have her fun. "Don't give anything away to Dylan, please."

"Of course not. Let me know if you need me, hun."

"Will do...I'll see you at school on Monday and you can tell me how things go with Marcus tomorrow. Just remember that you don't have to do anything you don't want to with him and if he takes advantage i'll beat the shit out of him."

"Thanks for the reassurance."

"That's alright. Right back at you. Night."

"Night." We both hung up.

I realised then, sat on the freezing cold bathroom floor, staring at the blank screen of my phone, that my real problem was that i kind of missed my quiet life of going to school and spending the rest of my time with Jenny watching films that gave us ample opportunity to stare at Zac Efron's perfectly sculpted abs. Now that i had everything i'd ever hoped for, it seemed too much for me to handle. I resolved to talk to Will on Monday, hoping he could give me some advice that would ease my worries. Guys always have a different outlook on these kinds of things. I gathered myself up, stretched myself out feeling my shoulder muscles tighten in an incredibly uncomfortable way and hoped that a couple of hours sleep would ease the tension in my body. I checked the time before i crawled under the covers. It was 5am and i knew waking up was gonna kill me. So i laid there under the covers getting more and more nervous about seeing Marcus. I think it was this that gave me the determination to face one of my biggest fears...i made the promise to myself there and then that i would tell Dylan first thing in the morning...i would tell Dylan that i love Marcus.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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