Part 22

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So, here's another chappie! Enjoy!

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-Chapter 22-

It turned out that Marcus' favourite place was a small cave, hidden in the cliff wall just a way up the beach. It was surprisingly warm surrounded by the naturally worn away stone walls, sheltered from the biting wind. Okay, so warm may be a slight exaggeration, it was bearable when i had my hoodie zipped up to the top and my hood pulled up around my face.

"You look ridiculous." Marcus informed me as we sat together on the picnic rug he'd brought along.

"I don't care." That reply warranted me a kiss and it surprised me how Marcus' touch made me feel warmer than the hoodie did.

After a long make out session, we pulled apart and sat together. Marcus started idly playing with a few strands of my hair before he asked. "Why are you in a weird mood?"

"Classify 'weird' please."

He chuckled lightly against my ear. "You're acting really quiet and i can tell you're tense."

I sighed before answering. "I am a pathetic loser, who until very recently didn't have a love life, couldn't spot anybody's feelings from a mile away and is having a secret relationship with her brother's best friend."

I allowed him to consider that for a moment and endured the awkward silence that followed the confession. "And?" i punched him in the arm, playfully but still with a fair amount of power behind it. He pouted and feigned a look of hurt before wrestling me to the ground and straddling my hips. I tried to fight back but he was too strong and hysterical laughter was using up all the air in my lungs. I gave up and allowed my muscles to go limp.

He'd pinned my arms above my head meaning i couldn't protect my lips from his attack on them. "You are not pathetic or a loser. People hide their feelings so that you can't easily find or decipher them. I'm going to tell Dylan...soon. And a love life that works takes time to find. So stop beating yourself up about everything." He argued after devouring my lips.

Unfortunately i constantly found ways to ruin beautiful moments and this time i chose Dylan. "What do you mean you're 'going to tell Dylan'? And it had better not be soon!"

"Cryssie..." Marcus groaned in slight frustration. He climbed off of me and put some space between us, enough space to let us talk and to stop the burning emotions that boiled up everytime we were together. "He needs to know. And yes, sooner rather than later. He's my best friend and i don't want to do this to him any longer. I can't help what's between us but i can help how we handle it." I was left speechless because, let's face it, that was not only a brilliant argument but was also a beautiful confession of emotion. Marcus clearly cared about Dylan and me and he was obviously trying to do what was best for both of us. "You know it's right?" I nodded in agreement like a small child who'd just had an argument with their parents...and lost. "Good." He pulled me in for another kiss.

We left shortly after that, packing up what was left of the small picnic that Marcus had brought along. He held my hand the whole way home, letting go briefly when we got in his car, then gripping hold again.

We didn't stay in his car long outside the house in case Dylan came home, his car was out of the drive yet again, he was hardly ever home anymore. I waved to him and watched him drive away, then headed inside almost bumping straight into mum.

"How was it? He took you to the beach? That's so romantic...if a little strange..." She babbled and babbled, following me into the kitchen whilst i got a glass of water and trotting behind me all the way up the stairs until i slammed my bedroom door in her face. That was when she shut up and i was finally engulfed in silence. After a long pause there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I asked in a mocking sing-song voice.

"You know who it is." I opened the door to see my overexciteable and incredibly childish mother practically jumping on the spot in excitement.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"To know how it went. I want all the details." She whined pathetically.

"Well tough. i'm tired. Can i go to bed please?" The sad look on her face told me that i wasn't gonna get out of this girls only chat. I stood to one side and allowed her into my room. She quickly accepted this offer, barged in and plonked herself down on the end of my bed. "Come right in." i muttered.

She sat there bouncing slightly on the end of my bed mimicking exactly what Jenny would do in this situation. I wasn't going to bed for a while.


When i came downstairs in the morning, Dylan was sat at the breakfast bar...asleep. His forehead was planted on the side. I laughed to myself. At first i had every intention of just leaving him there. But i changed my mind. I scuttled to dad's study, his laptop bag and keys were gone. I found what i was looking for almost immediately. I returned to the kitchen and uncapped the Sharpie.

I'd finished drawing sideburns and whiskers on each of his cheeks and was grabbing a bowl from the cupboard when he started awake. He mumbled a 'Good morning' to me once he had overcome the intial shock of waking up where he had least expected. I supressed a giggle at my excellent artwork...and it was brilliant.

I heard the door open and close. Marcus strode into the kitchen, all confident. The blood drained from my face and i could feel my head getting heavy.

"Hey bro." Dylan muttered looking around himself disorientated.

"Dylan, we need to talk." Marcus announced striding purposefully around the breakfast bar to my side so that he was facing Dylan with the counter acting as the neutral zone between them. He took a slight step back and confusion filled his features followed by a smirk at my artwork decorating Dylan's face then he shut that out and his face was hard and serious agin.

My face dropped. He could not possibly be intending to do this now. I cleared my throat loudly but Marcus was too determined to be listening to me and Dylan by the looks of it was still drunk.

"Erm...Marcus?" My voice had risen incredibly high with panic. "Is this really the best time?" I sounded like i was singing out of tune.

"Shush Cryssie!" He almost shouted at me over his shoulder. For a moment i was so stunned that i actually did. And then something came over me which i didn't really recognise. Anger. Oh, don't get me wrong i've been angry before but never angry at Marcus and for some reason that made it even more powerful than the anger i got towards Dylan. No one, not even Marcus was gonna tell me to shut up like that.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. "Excuse me?" Marcus glanced at me distractedly then turned back to Dylan. It seemed to take him that long to realise what he'd briefly seen when he'd looked at me.

He turned to me. Letting out a sigh. " know i didn't mean it..." I didn't let him finish, i stalked out of the room and up the stairs to my room.

I attacked my brother's hot best you think he likes me?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя