Part 10

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-Chapter 10-

"So, your parents aren't in the house?"

"For the sixth time, and trust me, i've been counting, NO!" The officer gave me a disapproving glare then carried on with his questions.

"And who's party was it?" He made a note in his notepad, i didn't actually think that detectives used those pads and that they were just for effect, it seems i was wrong.

"My brother's."

"Do you live here with him?"

"And my parents, yes. I'm fifteen, i haven't even finished school yet, of course i live with them." I said in exasperation. I was backed  into the corner of the hall being asked question after question. Marcus was on the other side of the hall speaking in a very calm and relaxed manner with a younger female officer. She was smiling at him, formally but i really didn't like it.

Dylan was being questioned in the kitchen because he refused to leave Jenny on her own whilst she was hurt. Even when the paramedics turned up, he refused to go. I don't think they were questioning Jenny at all, just treating her ankle which was really unfair. I'd only just turned up and had actually managed to get them to turn the music down whilst i sorted out a VIP...a Very Injured Person. The I could also translate as Immature but at that moment Jenny had been injured. The officers and investigators didn't seem to get that and had me as one of the ones who started the 'riot', yes they were calling it a 'riot', it was a party that got out of hand and now the officers were the ones getting out of hand. They'd had a lot of the guests packed into police vans and taken to the station within five minutes of arriving.

"Look," I had to physically calm myself, taking a deep breath, to try and sound like the normally dignified and controlled person that i was. "Jenny and I," i thought that the gramatically correct term would push the officer to understand me a little more and see how intelligent i was. "had literally arrived to ten minutes before you guys got here. Now, Jenny had decided to wear these killer heels even though we both knew that she could hardly walk in them and would end up taking them off before too long and we were over the road debating on whether or not we really should come along. Well she convinced me and got all excited and started jumping about and you can figure out what happened then." I raised my eyebrows at the officer and he stared back at me, blank faced. I carried on with the story to stop myself from breaking down and crying. "So we came over and i managed to get them to stop the music so i could get Jenny some help..."

"That's true." I practically jumped out of my skin. I hadn't noticed Marcus finish talking to the female officer to come and join me and the officer that i was with. I half noticed him slide his hand into his pocket but it seemed way too forced and not natural at all. Great, she gave him her number...that was supposed to be my number that he was supposed to be putting in his pocket so that he could text me later and we could meet up and fall in love and it was going to be beautiful and i was so going to kill Dylan for this!!!! "She managed to get my attention so that i could find Dylan, whilst i got him, she got Jenny into the kitchen..."

"Somebody carried her in for me, i didn't want her to hurt herself anymore."

"Who carried her in?" The officer inquired.


"Josh who?"

"He's one of Dylan's friends, you'll have to ask him." Another officer came from the kitchen and whispered to Mr. Disapproving. Halfway through the whispered conversation, both officers turned to look at me and Marcus then carried on.

I stared at Marcus and his face told me he was thinking exactly the same thing. This could not be good. "Kids," I really hated it when older people called teenagers, especially teenagers like Marcus who looked way older than their age, 'kids' it's really demeaning! "did you know that you're friend, Jenny Counter has incredibly high levels of alcohol in her system?" Oh God! Dylan really was going to die, either at my hands or at somebody elses, but he was going to get hurt because of this.

Mr. Demeaning/Disapproving/Complete And Utter Dickhead had been buying our story. I bit my lip to stop a squeal from escaping. I was going to get arrested for under age drinking and then i'd never get into the college that i wanted to get into.

"Are you going to explain this to me or am i going to take the pair of you to the station? You," He pointed at me. "for underage drinking. And you," He pointed to Marcus. "for supplying alcohol to minors."

"Look, Sir, the only alcohol that i brought here tonight was two beers and i'd drunk them before these guys had even turned up. I hadn't drunk anything else just in case somebody needed a lift home. Also, i don't believe that Cryssie actually drank anything tonight. I could be wrong?" Marcus made it sound like a question.He looked down at me encouragingly.

" I didn't get a chance to." Marcus' face dropped. "No...i...that's not what i meant."

"So you intended to drink alcohol tonight without parental supervision or any responsible adult over the age of twenty one?" the officer was staring at me accusingly.

"No, i didn't, i didn't even want to come tonight."

"So why did you?"

"I...i wanted to piss off Dylan...he's my brother...i knew that being here would really annoy him...but i didn't drink, i didn't really intend to, when i got here i decided i didn't even want to come to the party it looked way too wild for me, i'm getting A* in almost all of my subjects at school. I spend my time studying not partying. Dylan was the one who gave her the Vodka." GOD! I really needed to keep my mouth shut.

"Vodka?" Mr. Stuck Up Officer seemed to smile with a sudden pleasure at that fact.

The other officer who had whispered to him spoke out loud this time. "If it was vodka that she had, the levels of alcohol were consistent with an equivalent of about ten shots of vodka."

"What?! I only saw her have one then i left the room." They didn't believe me. I could see it.

"She left the room after about one shot and i left after about three." Marcus went along with it. He didn't seem happy but i guess we had to go with the truth now.

"And where did you both go?" Mr. Up His Own Arse raised his eyebrows.

Marcus spoke so quickly, i hadn't even opened my mouth to speak and the officer hadn't even finished his question. "Cryssie went to her room to get some flat shoes for Jenny to wear and i went to the bathroom upstairs to get some painkillers." I guess we weren't telling the truth.

"You shouldn't mix prescripion drugs with alcohol."

"Yeah, well, i didn't exactly agree with Dylan's method of anaesthetic." Marcus was getting really arsey with both officers. "Then you lot turned up, you know the story from there. Thanks for coming and all that. I hope you had a good time."

The officers stared at Marcus then Mr. Know It All gave in and said "Okay, we'll let you off this time but we aren't going to let Dylan off so lightly. We'll take Jenny off to hospital, you can visit her in an hour or so if you'd like." They wondered off to regroup.

"You really aren't very good at lying, are you Cryssie?" Marcus smiled down at me playfully...thank God he wasn't angry with me!!!

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