Part 16

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The last chapter was kinda short so i'm gonna try and make this one a bit longer :) I hope you liked the last chappie. Remember to let me know what you think!

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-Chapter 16-

Sat on Jenny's bed with her, watching a rerun of Friends, i contemplated what i should do next about everything. My initial thought was to back off for a while and see what move Marcus made about the whole kiss thing and where he wanted to take, what i thought, could be a blossoming relationship.

But then what if he doesn't make a move. What then? When i'd dated Will, he'd asked me out almost straight away, we'd gone on dates, gotten to know each other and then he'd kissed me on the third date. It was only after that point that i started to make the moves on him...and my moves weren't too great. I'd watched Jenny flirt with hundreds of guys...i'd seen her make out with half of them in front of me.

It was no secret that Jenny was a bit of a...well not a whore exactly but she got around. She just enjoyed making out...a lot. Relationships intrigued her so much so she liked to get practice as much as she could. Watching Jenny flirt with guys was like watching a lioness stalk her prey...she always won.

The big problem i had was that i wasn't a lioness...i was more like...a panda. And trust me, pandas aren't all!

Friends finished and i said 'Bye' to Jenny promising that i'd pop by after school again tomorrow, her parents said she wasn't fit enough to go to school again. On my way downstairs and through the hall, i saw Sophie, Jenny's sister, grabbing her keys from the side table just inside the door. If i was gonna do this, i had to do it now. I'd only come up with the idea about two minutes ago but i was gonna do it.

"Sophie?" She whirled around so fast i thought she was gonna hit me. "Woah! It's just me."

"Sorry, Cryssie, you made me jump." She smiled back at me. When you liked at Jenny and Sophie you could tell they were sisters. Jenny was like a replica of Sophie. Same hair, same eyes and practically the same height. The only major difference between the pair of them was that Sophie was sweet and caring and the perfect older sister. Jenny was rebellious and just plain outrageous. "What can i do for you?" She offered.

"I was just wondering...You know Marcus?" There was a puzzled look on Sophie's face for only a second before it was replaced by a cheeky, sly grin.

"Yes, i believe i do." She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me a knowing grin. She wasn't going to help me along with this conversation. She was going to make me come right out and say it.

"Well..." Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. LIE! Lie through your teeth! "Uh, i was just wondering if you happened to have his number." That wasn't a lie at all! Make up some reason for your insanity! My mind screamed at me. "I left my purse in his car when he brought me over here last night." I let out a sigh of relief that i'd managed to ask but i didn't think that Sophie would give me his number. There was just no way.

"Sure." Sophie smiled, got her phone out of her shoulder bag, grabbed a small pen and notecard from the stand on the side table. I smiled, pleased with myself for braving this. I probably wouldn't end up using the number but i was glad i'd taken a leap. It seemed like i'd been leaping a lot these past couple of days. "You know..." She said distractedly. "If you wanted to ask for his number cos you wanted to call him after that steamy kiss you guys shared outside, you could have just said." The smile literally fell off my face, I swear i heard it splat on the floor. Sophie looked at me. "Come on. I'll give you a lift home and you can tell me all about it."

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