Part 24

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So peeps.. i know it has literally been forever and i'm really sorry that i am such a terrible person for not uploading especially when i said i would but long story short i have a new job and a new laptop so i can actually write easier than i did before. I also wanted to try and make this chapter perfect so I didn't let you guys down and that gave me writer's block because I was so worried about getting it right. I want to say a big thank you to all of you who are commenting and voting because it really does give me the motivation to carry on writing Cryssie's story - hope you enjoy the next part, i'm glad to see so many people enjoying it so far!

Don't forget to comment and vote :)




-Chapter 24-

The restaurant was extravagant. That was the only way that i could think to describe it. I did not fit in with this situation at all. Not the fancy tables, the candlabras, the waiters with sticks shoved so far up their arses that when they bowed to greet us they could hardly move. I knew that my parents were better off but they had never brought me to a restaurant like this in my entire life and i was panicking a bit to say the least. I felt so uncomfortable and self conscious in my skin tight knee-length dress (i'd convinced Marcus to let me go back inside and get changed when we'd reached his car and he'd given me a dress code of 'smart' which did not help me decide in the slightest) that i kept tugging at the material and no matter how many times Marcus rested his hand on my hand, my arm, my shoulder, my cheek, or even the small of my back, i couldn't relax.

This was the first moment that i realised my possible boyfriend was rolling in it. he was clearly mega rich and i no longer felt bad for him buying me that big mac the day my parents got back.

"Marcus." I whispered over the menu, which for the record looked smarter than i did. "This isn't really necessary."

"What? You don't like it?" His face looked hurt and i quickly responded.

"No! That's not what i meant!" He smiled a mischevious grin and i rolled my eyes. "Stop trying to wind me up! What i meant was...this place is a bit..well...a bit" i fumbled for the right words "much...if you know what i mean. When i agreed to go on a first date i thought you meant Bella Italia or Ask or Nando's for crying out loud. Not a place where the waiters look like they would be better suited to be on a date with you than i do."

Marcus studied me for a while and i shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Cryssie..." He took my hand in his, dropping the menu to the table. "I wanted to apologise for earlier and prove to you that you are worth so much more than you think." I blushed what i could only imagine was a bright shade of scarlet. "You deserve this every evening, every day, forever. You understand?" I squirmed a little from the intensity of his words and averted my gaze back down to the menu letting him keep a hold of my hand if he chose to. Which he did.

The waiter came to take our order and Marcus did the honours as i couldn't tell what the majority of the dishes were. He ordered us both water to drink even though he could have had alcohol. I didn't mind if he chose to drink when i couldn't but i admired the sentiment behind his actions.

We talked about the most random things and after each conversation i couldn't remember how we had ended up where we did but i adored every second.

When the waiter came to take ouur plates and offer the dessert menu i felt there was something that i really had to tell him. But how to go about it. It was kind of a sensitive matter yet for some reason i couldn't make it wait. With Marcus every single thing seemed so urgent as if time was limited and i was constantly on the verge of word vomit. The waiter left to let us decide and Marcus began making suggestions of what he knew was good again unwittingly causing me to feel inferior. "The chocolate creme truffles are amazing you will literally never taste anything quite like them in your entire life."

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