Part 11

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Hey, hey! I hope everybodies enjoying themselves. Christmas has been and gone now peeps :( But Happy New Year to everyone!

There are lots of reads so far so thanks guys!!!

Keep commenting and voting and enjoy!!!!




-Chapter 11-

So, Dylan was arrested...and then he was grounded. It's funny how many of your neighbours start paying attention to you when there are six police cars and five police vans parked in the middle of the road. My parents got a ton of strongly worded phone calls when they got back the evening after the party from hell. I was still in bed when they showed up. It was a sudden awakening. A glass of ice water tipped over my face wasn't very pleasant.

"What the hell happened?!"

"Hey, guys." I grumbled, wiping at my eyes. I looked at my hand to find that i now had eye shadow and mascara smeared over my hands...this is why i didn't normally wear make-up, too much hassle.

"Cryssie, get up now!" Dad practically yelled in my face.

"Don't shout please Dear, i have a such a headache." Mum collapsed in a heap onto the armchair in the corner of my room. There was still a load of my clothes scattered on it but mum didn't seem to care, she just heaped on top. Oh dear, this was not good.

I stood careful next to my bed, still wearing my dress from the night before. "What happened?" Dad demanded in his quietly stern voice. It was almost more scary than his shouting. I bit my lip in quiet anicipation and awaited my fate of being grounded. It was inevitable. I'd get told off for not calling them when i found out there was a party, for going to the party, for not stopping it when it get out of hand, for not calling them when the police showed up, for not talking to the neighbours and telling them that everything was okay. To put it simply, i would get told off for not being responsible even though it was Dylan who was the oldest and legally an adult. He really needed to start acting like one.

"Tell me, now!" Dad's face was almost going red now, it was really scary and i didn't know what to do. Tell the truth? I guess that was the only option i had.

"Well...there think. Everything's kind of fuzzy. Can we try this again later please, i have a killer headache." I started to clamber back under the bed covers. I guess it was more of an attempt because it wasn't really successful at all. I just ended up flopped on top of the covers.

Dad huffed so loudly it was more like a growl and i couldn't help but wince. "YOU'RE GROUNDED!" He shouted before storming out of my bedroom door. "DYLAN! You'd better open this door or else i'm going to break it down!"

"Good Lord." I heard mum mutter. I rolled onto my side to look at her. "I guess you've finally reached the rebellious stage."

"I didn't even drink." I groaned...then it all came flooding back to me.


"Why do they have to act so flipping stuck up?!" I stormed into the kitchen.

"You really need to calm down, Cryssie. It's okay. I handled it." Marcus came rushing up behind me and grabbed a hold of my shoulders, pulling me back against his warm, he's just being friendly and helpful, trying to calm me down, this isn't flirtatious at all. "We handled it." He corrected himself. Okay, now that did sound flirty. I started to relax against his body. His strength kept me stood up straight. I closed my eyes for a second but there seemed to be one word swimming round in my mind. WRONG! But this is what i wanted. Oh my god! Everything always gets so confusing.

"I need a drink!" I excliamed, pulling out of Marcus' arms even though it was really lovely there. I yanked open the fridge and scanned the shelves. Two bottles of Budweiser were literally the only alcoholic drinks left. Apart from the remains of a lasagne that mum and dad had left for me and Dylan whilst they were away, the two bottles were completely alone in the fridge.

"Do you really think that that's a good idea?" Marcus asked me from the other side of the island.

"Why on earth wouldn't it be?" I questioned distractedly whilst i searched through the kitchen for a bottle opener.

"The police were literally just here." I noticed a hint of disappointment in Marcus' voice but also a little bit of...i couldn't quite put my finger on the emotion...admiration? Something like that.

"I think you are missing a key point...they were 'just here' and now they are gone! Yes!" I squeaked as i pulled out a bottle opener from the back of one of the kitchen drawers.

Marcus laughed and stared down at the surface of the kitchen island. "You are really something." I grabbed the bottles with one hand and the opener with the other then turned to lean across the island towards him.

"If you are that..." I tried to think of the right word "opossed...yeah, opossed to me having a beer then you won't want one yourself?" I made it a question.

Marcus grinned at me. A gorgeous lopsided grin that made my heart raced. The old me would have blushed in response to that grin, instead i just grinned back. The most flirtatious grin i could manage. I looked down at the worktop then i peeked up at Marcus through my lashes. He visibly shivered when i did it and it made my heart pound. I held my right hand out towards him, the hand with the beers in. Marcus took one, smirking, then grabbed the bottle opener and popped the top off with ease. He handed the opener back to me as he took a long swig of the beer.

I took the opener off of him, i noted that our skin touched as i did this and his hand felt warm and strong, then i popped the top off of my bottle, the bottle knocked in my hands because i wasn't paying attention and beer went forwards, all over the surface and onto Marcus' shirt. "I'm sorry!" I couldn't believe what i'd done, i'd been planning a sexy 'cheers' motion but now i'd mucked it up. "Oh my god, i can't believe i just did that!" I put the bottle down quickly and ran to grab a towel from the side next to the sink.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." When i turned back round to take the towel to Marcus, his chest was bare and from this angle, with his jeans hanging low onhis hips which were hidden by the kitchen worktop, he looked completely naked! I gasped, audibly. Marcus must have noticed what was wrong because he laughed out loud and said "Now i have to apologise. Sorry." He came towards me and took the towel from my hands. He lifted the towel up and held it in front of his chest as if...protecting his modesty. I laughed out loud and that broked the tension quickly.

"Do you wanna go on an alcohol hunt?" I asked.

"What the hell is an alcohol hunt?" Marcus chucked the towel back onto the side behind me.

"People hide their alcohol at parties, right? I mean, it's only like eleven at night, there's no way that the alcohol has run out already. There's gotta be something stronger than beer around somewhere." I suggested. I moved a little closer in towards Marcus as i said it.

"I think you're right." Marcus agreed. "And Jenny and Dylan are at the hospital and won't be back till much later which means we have the place to ourselves." I nodded in agreement. "You check the living room, i'll check the hallway, i'll meet you in the living room in five minutes."



"Okay, so maybe i drank a little." i admitted.

"Do i want to know?" Mum asked with a sigh.

"Probably not."

"Perfect." She said with a false smile.

"Why isn't Dylan in his room?!" Dad came storming back, desperate for a proper explanation of everything. There was a long silence. "Look, if you tell me where he is, i'll shorten the length of time that you're grounded for."

I was about to take my dad up on that offer, when there was a light groaning sound from underneath the covers next to me on the bed, i snapped my head round to look and i saw a slight movement under the sheets. Dad moved ever so slowly around the bed, mum had stood up and was now desperately intrigued (and scared) about this new turn of events. Dad ripped back the covers to reveal a half naked Marcus.

"You're grounded forever!!!!"

I attacked my brother's hot best you think he likes me?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant