Part 25

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So in my promise to be a better wattpader here is another part to Cryssie's story! I won't waflle on but hope you enjoyed the last part, remember to comment and vote!




-Chapter 25-

My bed felt lumpy and uncomfortable and i wanted to be doing anything other than laying in bed trying to sleep. Despite this i was still incredibly reluctant to clamber out of bed. I rolled to reach my phone on my bedside table. text Marcus would be ridiculously stalkerish at this time...there was no way i could do that....surely...right?

Before i knew what was happening, i'd hit send.

So i assume you escaped okay?

I stayed there with my phone in my hands on the verge of holding my breath knowing deep down that he wasn't going to answer but at the same time praying he would. Wanting to know that the days events kept him awake just like they did me.

After 4 minutes i relented and placed my phone back on the side. I rolled over and sighed heaviy when i heard my phone begin to buzz. I sat bolt upright snatching my phone up quickly. It was a message from Marcus.

Just about....but it was touch and go for a while. I had to do an army crawl up the drive because you distraction technique with Dylan was completely flawed, we'll need to work on that.

I laughed out loud and clapped my hand over my mouth not wanting to wake anyone up.

Sorry Officer...i'll try and do better next time ;) but for the record i would pay to see that army crawl

Believe it or not it's actually harder than it looks...

I bit back another laugh. Marcus sent another message straight away.

Are you okay?


Then why are you texting me at 3.22am

I hesitated before replying.

I couldn't sleep

Are you worried about something?

It took me a long time to respond and even then i couldn't bring myself to say what i wanted. doesn't matter



If there is anything...even the smallest thing in the world...bothering you and keeping you awake then you can tell me. You can always tell me.

I didn't know what to send. I didn't really want to tell him that what he'd said to me today was sending shivers through my body and forcing me to take quick ragged breaths even now so long afterwards. I didn't need to...he messaged me again.

Can i call you?

It surprised me but the thought actually sounded amazing. Sneakily speaking to my secret boyfriend on the phone in the middle of the night when i should be asleep and trying not to get caught seemed both exhilerating and intensely exciting. I pulled the duvet covers back and carried my phone with me to the bathroom where i locked the door. I sat down on the edge of the bath before i replied not knowing how long he would take to respond or to call.

I attacked my brother's hot best you think he likes me?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن