Part 8

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I must love you guys seeing as i'm uploading again already! I hope you liked the last chapter : )

Please comment and vote! It makes me smiley!




-Chapter 8-

Sophie dropped Jenny and I off around the corner from my house. This was Jenny's idea, Sophie didn't mind turning up with us, she wasn't embarassed to be seen with us but Jenny was, apparently, embarassed to be seen turning up to a party with her older sister. So Jenny forced me to walk around the corner in the blue wedge heels that she'd leant me. I could walk pretty well in heels but Jenny couldn't. It was like walking next to a stick insect wearing heels. She had a lack of balance and, because she weighed almost nothing, she seemed to bounce along on the pavement. I had to try and catch her every now and then and she told me off saying that it made her look like a four year old trying on her mum's shoes when i kept grabbing hold of her hand. I gave up being helpful and tried to focus on what i was going to say to Marcus when i saw him. I really didn't have a clue. I wasn't good at talking to guys. Okay, that was a lie. I was really good at chatting with guys. But flirting whilst chatting and acting natural with guys was not something that was one of my abilities.

I didn't take us long to walk round the corner, especially not when i was caught up laughing at Jenny as she practiced a sexy walk in her heel. This walk involved her swaying her hips exaggeratedly and also seemed to involve a lot of tripping and almost falling into peoples gardens.

When we reached the house, i almost screamed. Mum and dad were going to be so angry! And Dylan was going to be soooooo dead! There were people everywhere in the garden but not just hanging out and chilling in the garden, no. People were half naked, some girls were only wearing skirts that were basically belts and bras. One girl wasn't even wearing that. People were throwing up in the row of hedges in front of the house and it stank. Please say that Dylan locked my bedroom door! I silently prayed. I didn't want to think about what people would do if they got into any of the bedrooms.

I was frozen in place on the pavement in front of the garden. "Come on!" Jenny yelled over the thumping music which was ridiculously loud. What is the point of having music loud enough that you can't hear what the person next to you is doing?...oh...right...don't think about that.

"Do you know what? Staying at your place and watching a film in our PJ's is looking pretty good right now." i hinted.

"No, this can be our first college party and i am not missing it."

"Jenny, my brother finished college at the end of last year. None of the people at this party still go to college. And anyway, i want to go to my first college party when i'm actually in college so lets just wait until then." I practically whined.

"No! I did not get all dressed up to make it to just outside the party! I intend on getting in there and getting my guy! I don't care whether or not you want to but i want to be at this party with you, Cryssie! Come on! We're gonna go and get you the man of your dreams and then we are gonna get me mine!" Jenny was so sure of herself and so determined and i knew, deep down inside, that she was desperate. I knew she had the biggest crush on Dylan and she was desperate to act on it now that i knew. This was her time to finally try and get with my brother. As much as that was weird, i loved Jenny and (as much as i denied it) i loved Dylan too. They would be great together.

"Fine. But on a few conditions. We have to meet back up in the kitchen every ten minutes unless we've checked with each other that it's okay and if i get fed up then we are either retreating to my room or we are going back to yours to watch a movie. Oh, and one more thing."Jenny nodded, smiling giddily. "I get to keep the dress." Jenny squealed and leaped forward to hug me. She misjudged her footing and landed awkwardly twisting her ankle. Luckily she'd already made it halfway across the distance between us before she started to fall and i was able to reach out and grab her. Her red seven inch stillettos almost broke from the force that she'd put on them. "Woah! Okay, now that's exactly the kind of trouble i wanted to avoid."

Jenny was wincing and taking in sharp intakes of breath as she tried to put pressure on her injured ankle. "Can you walk to the house?...or hobble and i'll help you?" Jenny just nodded, twisted on one foot and positioned herself next to me with her arm over my shoulder so that i could take some of her weight. The whole way up the drive, Jenny bit her lips tightly together, wincing as she limped.

Not one of the half naked drunks offered to help. They just stopped their laughing for a minute to watch us struggle. I tried to bite my lips together to prevent me from making any rude remarks. The front door was wide open so that was one obstacle we didn't have to face.

Once inside, the music was so loud it hurt my head after just a few seconds. I tried to get a few people's attention with a nice 'Excuse me.' but it was a waste. I settled for something i'd been taught when mum had decided that Dylan and i needed some first aid training in case anything happened when they were out. Of course, she modified it a little and she said that screaming at the top of your lungs for help isn't a normal procedure but it should be.

"Cover your ears." I whispered to Jenny. She gave me a puzzled look but did as she was told. "EVERYBODY STOP!" I half yelled and half screamed it at the top of my lungs. It hurt my throat, i could practically feel my larynx tearing but i followed through with the shout and quite a few people turned to stare at me. The music quickly turned off in the living room and then everybody's attention was focused whether it was on Jenny and me or the lack of music i don't know. Marcus came, almost running, out of the living room where the music was being played from before my dramatic entrance.

"What happened?" He demanded, checking me over for any damage before he even looked at Jenny. If i hadn't been worried about Jenny i would've laughed.

"She twisted her ankle." I explained, stumbling over my words as i was suddenly put under pressure. I hadn't prepared anything to see in this situation on the way here. It's simple! I had to keep reminding myself. "Can you go and get Dylan please?"

"Sure. You guys go and wait in the kitchen. Just kick everyone out. If they don't listen then tell them that i said so..." He went to make his way up the stairs in search of Dylan but turned back at the bottom of the stairs. "And if that doesn't work then just shout at them...i'm certain that that will get their attention." Marcus gave me a gorgeous smirk and i felt myself blush a colour which i was certain was close to being scarlet.

I heard Jenny wince again next to me and turned my attention back to helping her. I looked around the room and saw Josh, one of Dylan's friends from school who used to come round a lot before Marcus started spending most of his time out. "Josh, can you help please?" Josh had been watching everything so far and it took him a moment to realise i was talking to him.

"Oh...yeah, sure." He smiled at me, handed his drink to one of his friends and joined Jenny and i in the middle of the hall. "What can i do for you?" He gave us a low bow which was totally ridiculous and had everyone laughing.

"Okay, enough mocking. Can you take Jenny into the kitchen please?" Josh was reaching towards Jenny before i'd even finished the sentence.

"Hang on! What are you doing?" Jenny squeaked. Josh picked her up, bridal style.

"Would you rather walk? Or maybe you'd prefer a fireman's lift? It's completly up to you."

"Fine." Jenny huffed.

Josh deposited Jenny on the breakfast bar in the kitchen with her foot rested on one of the stools and a bag of ice and a teatowel on top whilst i told everybody to clear out of the room and shut all the doors. I gave them permission to turn the music back on but halve the volume...maybe even quarter it. Josh made sure that we were going to be okay until Marcus and Dylan got back and then he gave us one last friendly smile before going to join our friends.

Aside from the gentle thudding of the music starting up again, it was silent for a while. Jenny broke the silence by saying "This is so not the exciting time i had in mind." No, it was not.


This is dedicated to WritingBabe123 cos she is almost exactly like me and she writes awesome stories and she is one of my fans (so she must be clever too ; )) Thanks for the support

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