Part 14

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Hey all! So i thought i better give you guys some more of Cryssie's story even though i am dying! So ill it's unreal! Why does everything bad always happen at once? Anyway, if you care about what those bad things are then message me or whatever but most of you probably don't and just want me to shut up and get to Chapter 14.

I hope you liked the last part! They finally kissed! I hope you like this chappie!

Remember to comment and vote! It makes me all happy inside!

This is me shutting up now! ;)




-Chapter 14-

Jenny's parents opened the door to me gave me one disappointed stare then told me she was upstairs in bed. I said a simple 'thank you' to them and went upstairs. I'd never had an adult disappointed in me like that. I'd gotten Jenny into big trouble but i still believed that she was the one who had gotten me into trouble. She was the one who had been desperate to go to the party in the first place and then she'd hurt herself. It was Dylan's fault that the police had turned up, we were fine until then...mostly.

I tapped on the door gently twice then entered. Jenny was led in bed with a ridiculous amount of pillows behind her back propping her up so that her body was at a 45 degree angle to the bed. I couldn't see the plaster cast under the thick quilt but it was there somewhere. Dylan was sat on the edged of the bed furthest from me turned towards her, one leg curved on the bed the other hanging off the edge. Jenny was laughing hysterically at something and Dylan was trying to hide his laughing at her. "I think they gave you too much morphine." he muttered with a massive grin.

"Hi, Jenny." I tried to hide a hint of laughter as well. She was cying she was laughing so much.

"Cryssie! Look Dylan! It's Cryssie!" She squealed. I laughed out loud, i couldn't help it.

"How long has she been like that?" I asked Dylan, sitting like he was on the closer side of the bed.

"I went downstairs to get her a drink about five, maybe ten, minutes ago and when i came back up..." Dylan trailed off and gestured to Jenny who was now laughing silently. She was going red she was running out of breath.

I grabbed her wrist to make her look at me. "Jenny, breathe! Breathe." She stopped laughing suddenly and took one slow, deep breath. "Better?" She nodded.

"Where've you been?" Dylan asked. He was suspicious. Had he seen me kiss Marcus. If we were being technical, Marcus had kissed me but Dylan would undoubtedly blame me.

"In bed most of the day."


"I got a little drunk last night." I confessed.

"On your own?" Dylan was already getting too inquisitive.

It would just be best to lie and say i was alone. "We'll talk about it later." I said quietly trying to hide this from Jenny. She was too much of a blabbermouth for own good when she was completely with it. I didn't want to risk finding out what she was like when she was drugged up. "You need to go home." I told him a little louder praying Jenny would help get rid of him.


"Dad wants to speak to you." Dylan shrugged. "And we want to talk about you, not to you." I turned toJenny as though i was about to say something then just froze and waited for Dylan to go.

There was a long heavy silence. "Fine." He muttered. "Jenny, i'll come and see you tomorrow, whilst she's at school." He put so much resentment into the word 'she' that i didn't really know what to say so i just kept quiet. Jenny was grinning so much that it looked like it hurt. I waited until i'd heard Dylan say goodbye to Jenny's parents and shut the door before i started speaking.

"I didn't have sex with Marcus." I confessed.

"What?...oh, yeah, you didn't answer straight away which means you must have done."

"There is absolutely no logic in that." I told her. Jenny stared at me for a while and i just waited.

"Something happened though." Jenny concluded, seemingly more normal than she had been when Dylan had been in the room. I chewed my lower lip and averted my eyes towards Jenny's flower print curtains. "You're nervous."

"Wh...uh...puh...i am not nervous!" I felt blood rush to my face. "I was with him, okay? That's why i didn't answer cos i didn't want him to know."

"What happened?!" She sat upright, intent on finding out everything now.

"Well, the main reason that i'm grounded forever is cos mum and dad found him in my bed." The stricken look on her face made me realise just how big a deal this was. "He wasn't naked or anything...just shirtless. Mum seems to be quite happy about it but dad is furious. Anyway, he had a shower in my ensuite, whilst i was downstairs though and then he took me to McDonalds and brought me here...and then he kissed me." I mumbled the last part. There was silence for a second.

"OH MY GOD! That's amazing! I told you that it would work out! So when are you gonna see him again?!" Jenny and I started laughing and grinning at each other.

"I don't know. But hopefully soon." We carried on giggling for a little while longer.

Jenny trailed off seemingly tired. "Look, i love you, Babes and i really wanna celebrate with you but i am so tired. I think the morphine has gone straight to my head."

"I think it has too." I couldn't help but agree.

"Can you come round after school tomorrow?" I nodded.

I left Jenny's the happiest i had been in ages.

I attacked my brother's hot best you think he likes me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon