Part 2

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Hello everybody!!!! I just wanna say, 1 vote already, woohoo, and i have NoIdea who it was LOL :D

By the way, forgot to mention in chapter 1, that any similarities to another story are not intentional.

Anywho, please comment and vote.

Hope you enjoy!!!!!




-Chapter 2-

I opened my eyes slowly to thick quilt. I squirmed and tried to pull the covers from over my face but i was all tangled up. When i finally managed to escape my quilt straight jacket, the sun was shining on my face. I squinted and jumped out of bed to shut my curtains. Once they were closed, i adjusted my eyes and body to my surroundings.

My door was across from me, my chest of drawers sat next to the door with my iPod speakers and a load of random things scattered on top. The head of my bed was aginst the wall on my right with a bedside table on each side and opposite that was the door to my ensuite. In the corner to my left stood my wardrobe. The rest of my room was, as usual, a bit of a mess. My excessive collecion of handbags were piled in the corner to my right and clothes scattered the floor in front of my wardrobe. I new that i should tidy my room but i really couldn't be bothered. I was still really tired and i really couldn't be bothered to do it now. I was also really achy...why was i so...?

OH NO! I attacked Dylan and...Marcus, was that his name? I bruised his nose! And probably his ribs! And possibly his abs! What the hell had i done?! I had to go and face my brother's wrath. I had attacked him after all. I wonder if i'd hurt him. I didn't really care so much about him. I know that sounded mean but he was my brother, me beating him up was allowed.

I decided that i should brush my hair and at least look in a mirror to see how much of a mess i looked before facing Marcus. Come on, he was hot, i didn't want to look awful and look like even more of an idiot than i already did.

I grabbed my hairbrush from the top of my chest of drawers and went to my ensuite. Flicking the light on and gazing in the mirror above the sink i almost jumped backwards and just stopped myself from falling in the bathtub by grabbing hold of the shower curtain and the door frame.

"You look lovely." I told myself sarcastically. I steadied myself and started to attack the massive knot of hair on my head with my hairbrush. It hurt but the pain was necessary to make me look presentable. Once i was done my hair flowed down to the bottom of my ribs with layers that stopped just short of boob-length. I ran my hair through it so that it sat with the side parting on the right of my face. The dark brown of my hair contrasted perfectly with my green eyes. My eyes had splodges of hazel in them that never really made any sense to me. What shocked me most about my reflection was the bruise that covered the tip of my nose. "Ouch." i whispered to myself. I didn't the moment. Then i remembered something.

Slowly i lifted the top of my tank top. "Damn." I muttered. That was not attractive. I straightened my tank top and adjusted my pyjama bottoms. I tried to smile into the mirror and that was when i started to feel the pain in my nose...and in my chest. I left the bathroom and slipped my slippers on before making my way downstairs.

I heard movement and voices coming from the kitchen and decided to brave it. "Morning!" I chirped. I tried to walk in confidently but i couldn't help being embarassed about my ugly nose.

Marcus was sat at the breakfast bar and Dylan was leant against the kitchen side next to the fridge, they each had a glass of orange juice and were obviously talking about something funny because they were chuckling to themselves. They both looked at me when i entered and greeted them. Correction, they both STARED at me.

I attacked my brother's hot best you think he likes me?Where stories live. Discover now