Part 3

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-Chapter 3-

Finding Nemo was still in my DVD player so i decided to mindlessly watch that again. I was so angry and upset and generally pissed off! My anger was softened a little into plain upset when i started to cry at...well, you know which bit. Eventually my tears ran dry and i was just left feeling pissed off.

You can't stay in your room feeling sorry for yourself all day! The rational and sensible part of my mind spoke up. I told it to back off!

I grabbed a towel from my chest of drawers and went to my ensuite to have a hot shower. I let the hot water wash away some of my anger and annoyance. I scrubbed at my hair to try and get it clean.

Once i was done i went back into my room to get dressed. This was a much harder task than i thought it would be. It turns out that putting on a bra when you have bruised boobs is extremely painful. I was going to be stuck with this pain until the bruises faded...which could take a while. Damn!!!! I slipped into a pair of ankle length leggings and a loose, black shirt that hung off of one shoulder with SEXY! written on it in hot pink. The top reached down to the middle of my thighs.

Now it was time to tackle my nose. Jenny, my best friend for the past year and a half and the person that i could talk to about anything, wanted to go and see a new film at the cinema and we'd arranged to go in to town to see it.The problem was that i couldn't go out with my nose looking so awful but i also couldn't cancel on her. So there was only one thing that i could do. It was time to get out the make-up. I doubted that a little concealer was gonna do the job. It was gonna take truck loads of concealer and foundation to make this mess look almost normal. And by almost normal i meant less purple and blue than it looked at that current moment in time.

* * * * *

The kitchen was empty when i went downstairs after my personal make over, which i was quite proud of, if i must say so myself. My nose looked an almost natural shade and almost matched my natural skin tone. I knew that within a couple of hours it would start to fade and the bruises would show through but for now it was okay.

I collected the necessary ingredients from the cupboards and fridge to make my favourite snack, hotdog, cheese and ketchup toastie. Switching the radio on i found that my favourite Maroon 5 song was playing, She Will Be Loved. I started singing along as i waited for my toastie to cook in the toastie machine and grabbed a can of Pepsi Max from the fridge. There was a knock at the door so i rushed to open it not wanting to leave my toastie too long, i hate it when they get burnt.

 "You can stop panicking now. I have arrived." Jenny practically screamed as i opened the door.

"Lovely to see you too." I smiled to myself. Jenny always cheered me up. Even just looking at her was enough to cheer people up. Her silvery blonde hair was cropped short and framed her face which was decorated expertly with make-up. I knew that she would notice my nose sooner or later, she was a make-up expert. that's what she wanted to do with her life, be a beautician. She always showed off her creativity on her face using the excuse that her body was just a blank canvas and if she didn't fill it then it was a waste of space. "Come through to the kitchen, i'm making snacks." I lead the way back through and handed her a can of Pepsi Max before making her a toastie too.

We were sat at the Breakfast table eating when she asked me the question i was waiting for. "Who's the guy?" I took my time swallowing my mouthful before faking an easy answer.

"What guy?"

"The guy that you are trying to impress." i scoffed in reply. "You're wearing make-up and your favourite you've washed your hair. your hair always looks great when you've just washed it and let it dry naturally."

"Thanks for the compliment." I muttered.

"So?" i stared at her. "Who is it?" As if on cue Dylan and Marcus came into the room. i heard Jenny's massive intake of breath. That was the effect that Marcus had on girls...i knew because i was one of them. "Seriously, Cryssie?" She whispered in my ear. "You have a good eye."

The guys seemed to notice our presence then. "Look, Cryssie, I'm sorry about what i said earlier." Dylan told me, i knew he'd apologise straight away but i wasn't ready to forgive him just yet so i simply nodded and carried on eating.

"What did you do this time?" Jenny asked Dylan trying to stop an argument but bringing up the subject was bound to start it.

"Nothing" I said through a mouthful of food. I just really wanted to forget about it. My anger was building again and i really wanted to hit something.

"Maroon 5?" Marcus suddenly asked. We all stared at him confused. "The song? It's Maroon 5, isn't it?" Marcus asked me. He was staring into my eyes again and i tried to answer before i got to lost in his eyes.

"Yeah, it's my favourite." I stared down at the breakfast bar to hide my blushing cheeks. Get a grip, girl!!!! All he did was speak to you!!!!!

"Mine too." Marcus admitted. A smile grew on my face but i kept my eyes on my plate. Jenny snorted next to me. She knew when i liked a guy, she knew me all too well.

"And you are?" Jenny asked Marcus.


"Jenny." I could hear the flirtatious tone in Jenny's voice when she said her name. I lifted my gaze to stare at her. "What?" She asked as if my gaze was accusing her of something. "What?" She went all innocent but her eyes were broadcasting a message for just me to hear, I couldn't resist, sorry! He's all your's x. Yes, i got all that just from the look in her eyes.

But the truth was that i didn't think that he was, would be or ever could be mine. I mean, like Dylan said, i wasn't popular, i didn't have a lot of friends, i didn't go to a lot of parties, i didn't overly care about the way i looked and i didn't think i was overly pretty especially compared to Jenny. I needed to get over him. If you don't fall then you can't get hurt...can you?


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