Part 18

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I'm kicking out chapters really quick at the moment so i'm gonna ride this wave of inspiration and see where it takes me...that made me sound like some whacked out surfer :D anyway, ENJOY!

Remember to comment and vote!




-Chapter 18-

I wasn't very good at shopping. Never had been and probably never would be. But you know what mums are like when they get an idea into their heads, they cannot be stopped! So here i was, in Tiara's, the most expensive dress shop in town. "What about this one?" She asked lifting a gold, sequined, floor length, form fitting, silk dress to show me.

"Mum." I warned.

"Okay, okay. You don't seem to like anything. Do i really have such awful dress sense? You've always loved the clothes i've bought you in the past." She sounded hurt but i was certain she was playing this up to the max.

"Mum, you have awesome taste. I just think that sometimes you pick things that are a tad over the top." She feigned shock and hurt. "Anyway, i don't even know where we're going or anything...or when. What if we end up going to the fayre?"

"I doubt he'll take you to the fayre." Mum said quietly.

"Yeah and i doubt that he's gonna take me to a ball or prom." I said sarcastically.

"OH! That would be so sweet and beautiful if he took you to prom!" I sighed in exasperation.

"Mum, prom isn't until July." She shrugged. "It's January now." She ignored me and started looking at more dresses. "Prom is ages away mum. Relationships don't last forever." I informed her.

"It's only six months, slightly less than that actually." I was close to giving up. "You dated Will for five months and you guys didn't even work together."

"Mum?! Please don't bring this up again."

"I don't think you guys fit, that's all, am i not allowed an opinion?" I thought about responding with a 'No' but bit my tongue. "You and Marcus just seem right together."

"How long have you been planning this evening?" I asked quietly.

"Excuse me?" That was way too innocent.

"How long have you been planning an evening of dress shopping?"

"Since last night sweetie."

"No, if you'd started planning this last night you wouldn't have suddenly and magically had today off so that you could pick me up from school and come straight out. Was it when you came home on Sunday?" She was silent, staring at another dress. "Or was it the moment you found out that Marcus was moving back?"

"This one's nice." Was all she said.

"OH MY GOD!" I almost shouted.

"SSSSHHHH!" Mum hissed.

"You've been planning this. You set me up." I accused.

Mum stared at me for a moment. "Okay, so i kind of thought that you guys should get together but i didn't plan it, you did all the work yourself. I took this week off because i had a feeling you'd work quite quickly. And i also wanted to spend some time with you. Is that such a crime?" She blinked at me sweetly.

"Yes, it is. When you have alterior motives." The rest of the evening out was spent staring at gorgeous dresses that were totally inappropriate for a first date no matter who you were.

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