Part 9

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Hey guys, i'm so sorry that it's been so long! Did you miss me? i had a load of coursework to do but i'm on top of it now...i think. But Part 9 is here at last!

Anyway, i was really glad when i saw how many reads i had, it really made me smile like a big idiot.

I'm dedicating this chappie to WritingBabe123 for an awesome cover, love it!

Thank you for all the support!

Please comment and vote! It will make me smile some more!




-Chapter 9-

It seemed like ages before Dylan came storming into the kitchen with Marcus trailing in behind him. "I invite you to my party, clearly implying that you should behave and blend in. Yet you decide to come in with an invalid and shout your mouth off, just great! you aren't coming to another one of my parties ever again!" Despite his little rant, the whole time he was speaking, Dylan was making his way around the kitchen collecting the first aid kit, a tray of ice, a tea towel and a glass of pure vodka.

"What's the vodka for?" i risked asking, he wasn't in a good mood with me at all at the moment.

"For her to drink." Dylan said it as though i was an imbecile. I really wished that i'd talked Jenny out of those ridiculous heels. She needed a pair of flats and possibly a psychiatrist but right now i wanted to focus on the shoes. Dylan handed her the vodka and told her to drink it quick so she couldn't feel the pain. I wanted to shout at him. I don't know much about first aid but i know that you shouldn't give someone alcohol as a pain reliever but i remained quiet and bit my lip as i watched her down the drink. Dylan started to push the ice out of the ice tray into a sandwich bag then tied a knot in the top and wrapped the bag in the towel before placing the towel against Jenny's ankle. She tried hard to fight it but she couldn't help wincing loudly when he pushed it on to her leg. "Sssshhhh." Dylan said gently but he didn't loosen the pressure on her ankle. "Trust me, it will feel better in a minute." His voice had lost the harsh edge it had had when he'd been talking to me and he'd turned into 'Caring Dylan', the Dylan who used to look after me when i was younger. It made me sad.

But i didn't have time to be sad. I shoud've been pleased that he was helping Jenny. He liked her. I was certain. He was looking into her eyes so sweetly, talking to her about mindless things to distract from the pain she was feeling and they were laughing about something. I couldn't hear it anymore though. I'd blocked everything out somehow. My eyes were wet and tears were filling them, about to break free and flood down my face. I looked down to the ground, took a deep breath, turned and walked out of the kitchen door.

I moved slowly up the stairs, i couldn't run up them in the heels (we didn't need another invalid) and the dress. I felt a hand wrap around my upper arm, i turned halfway between two steps to see Marcus looking up at me. "Where are you going?" He mouthed...or at least i think he did, it was too loud to tell.

"My room." I mouthed back then made a gesture that translated as 'Do you want to join me?' After a moment or two, he nodded, i didn't think he'd agree so i was shocked into silence. Marcus stared up at me, confused, for a few seconds more then he grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs.

He led me to my room, which was unlocked (note to self: punch Dylan in the face for not locking my door!), and shut the door firmly behind us. The loud music was a dull thudding once more and i could think again.

"What did you come up here for?" Marcus askd as he glanced around my room with a strange interest.

"Some shoes for Jenny."

"But she's already got some."

"You are such a guy." I muttered. I gave me a strange look. "How the hell is she going to walk around with not only a sprained ankle but high heels as well? We girls torture ourselves for beauty but we don't torture ourselves that much." I heard Marcus chuckle behind me as i bent to look under the bed for a pair of flat dolly shoes that Jenny had left at mine a couple of months ago. I tried to do it elegantly and attempted not to flash my knickers at Marcus, i couldn't tell whether or not i was successful.

"I've not seen your room with the lights on." I crawled back out from under the bed and stared at Marcus. He was taking everything in. The mess mainly, i was sure.

"It needs tidying, i'll let Dylan start sorting that out in the week."

"That was pretty awesome how you managed that." I could have sworn i blushed at that moment and the idea of blushing actually made me blush even more.

"Thanks. He really pissed me off and he owes me anyway."

"Did you cover for him with your parents?" Marcus walked over o the window and started seaching the crowd in the garden. He winced at something, probably someone throwing up on mum's favourite flowers and being punched in the face. People do the strangest things when they're drunk.

"No, why would i need to?"

He stared at me, confused. "You said they were coming back tonight?" i couldn't help the smirk that filled my face. "Ohhh, you were lying! You sneaky bi..." I grabbed a pillow from my bed and threw it at his face, he caught it easily and didn't stop the huge grin he now had as he did so. "Everyone misjudged you." Marcus frowned slightly. "Why did you really lie? It wasn't just to come to the party, was it?" That question caught me off guard but luckily i was saved by the siren...yes, you heard right SIREN!!!!!

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