Hisory Replay

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Ford's POV:

"What's on your mind, Stanley?" I asked, very perplexed.

Stanley has this hesitant look on his face, but spoke.

"You remember what happened with you, me and Bill 30 years ago?" he asked.

"Yes. Very well."

"I hate to say this but..." Stan pointed to Mabel. "Her brother Dipper may or may not have made a deal with Bill to learn more about... who you are."

Oh man. Does this mean this boy found one of my journals? That can't be good.

"Well... I did predict this." I said, rubbing my chin.

Stanley glared at me.

"What do you mean 'predicted this'?" he asked.

"History has to repeat itself somewhere, Stanley. I guess this is it."

"You know?"

"Mabel called you Gruncle Stan, which obviously means Great Uncle. And since I'm your brother, that means I'm the children's 'Gruncle' Ford. Am I wrong?"

Stan calmed down.

"No, no, you're not. I just never thought it would be twins on twins." he said.

"Then that means Mabel is the only one who can save Dipper from that demon."

Stanley breathed in and out deeply.

"You better get going if you want to make it in time." I noted.

He turned to walk away.

"Wait!" I said, grasping his arm. "Here."

I pulled off one of my six fingered gloves and handed it to Stanley.

"Just a little hint for the boy, ok?"

Stan took the glove and shoved it into his pocket. He walked back over to Mabel and held her hand.

"You ready?" he asked her.

"Ready steady, Gruncle Stan!" she answered, proudly.

And they leaped into the portal.

Mabel's POV:

Once me and Gruncle Stan jumped into the weird portal thing, the bright blue, swirled light blinded me. I close my eyes for about 10 seconds, then see darkness. I rubbed my burning eyes and open them slowly. I look ahead to see...


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