Chapter 8

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And yes.

If you guessed that Clari being cold is gonna continue then you were totally right.

She continued avoiding to face her fans in public and communicate with them on social media too while she kept declining every message that was from any of them.

- Clari... Can I ask you something?

One evening I finally got myself together to ask her about her problem.

- Yeah, sure! - she replied - What is it?

- What's the matter lately?

- Huh?

- You have been cold to everyone that's not part of your projects, or your family, avoiding fans on the street and everywhere else. Why?

- I just don't feel like talking... - she groaned.

- I got that for the first time, the second time, but since then it has been 3 months now and you still keep doing this.

- Atleast I'm not cold to you!

- Why? Have you been thinking about avoiding me as well?

She suddenly gasped.

- So yes... - I groaned - That's lovely to know.

- What the hell are you talking about?!

- Are you tired of me too??

- What?! No!

- Sadly your face says differently.

- Diego!

- What?!

- Stop twisting my words! You know I love you and I wouldn't avoid you...

- You also love your fans, no?

She blinked.

- You love your fans, yet you keep avoiding them.

- Come on! That's completely different!

I sighed deeply.

- Fine... As you say...

She sighed in relief then she took a hold of my hand.

- Diego... You know you mean the world to me and I wouldn't avoid you for anyone's sake...

I just sighed as I hugged her gently.

- I know, I know... I'm sorry...

But yet the same thing went on and on for the next couple of months with her completely avoiding to contact with her fans in every way and this honestly made me uneasy.

It's not like she did the same to me, or anything, but we both are actors which means we have to face our fans and be nice to them.

And if this wouldn't have been enough she suddenly started to meet up with Dominguez more often than they ever met when we were filming Violetta.

- Why are you keep doing this?! - I groaned when once again I found him in our house as I got home from work.

- What do you mean? - Clari asked.

- You keep being cold to your fans while you have started to be friends with Dominguez, the person you literally hated before. Why?!

- People change.

- And in your case this is the problem.

- What?!

- I'm leaving!

- Leaving to where?!

- Somewhere that I won't bother your time together... So bye! - I groaned as I simply turned around and walked out on the door, leaving the confused and angry Clari behind.

I just didn't feel like playing around with that piece of shit, acting like I like him when in reality his face literally disgust me.

I had to get away.

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