Chapter 9

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That night I ended up in a nearby bar, just sitting at a table alone, thinking.

I felt like I look the most pathetic here from everyone else as all the other people had parters, or friends they were with.


I don't care.

I came here to be away from some people so I don't need anyone to be around me.

But then why do I feel so uneasy, leaving Clari and Dominguez alone together in my house?

But as I was thinking someone suddenly interrupted me...

- Diego?

As I looked up I saw this woman in front of me.

She looked really familiar to me, but I just didn't know where from at first.

- Uh... Hello... - I said awkwardly - Do I... Know you?

- Ah! We although only met once 7 years ago, but surprisingly my memory is better than yours! - she laughed.

7 years ago?


- Selvaggia Lucarelli?

- Correct! - she said cheerfully.

Yes... Now I remember.

- I'm surprised to see you here - she continued.

- I live near to this place - I replied - B-But... How about you sit down?

- Can I?

- Yes! Yes! I'd be happy for some company right now!

- What happened? You seemed so depressed just now...

- Everything's fine!

Honestly I didn't like to complain to people.

Either to people I know and people I don't know much about.

- You don't have to tell me, but I'm just trying to help you...

As much as I never like to complain the way she was looking at me and talking to me somehow made me speak up.

So I told her about the things that were happening.

- I see... - she nodded - But I'm pretty sure this is just some temporary thing which will be gone soon!

- But what if it won't? What if she keeps being cold with everyone, including me too?

- You shouldn't be thinking negatively first, but positively.

- Maybe you're right...

- Not maybe. I know I'm right! - she grinned - Now... How about we change subject to something more cheerful?

- Okay... That sounds good... - I nodded and we began to talk for long hours.

----- TIME SKIP -----

As me and Selvaggia began to enjoy ourselves I didn'r realize how fast time was going until the bar was already about to close and we were sent out of there.

Since it was late night I decided to take her home first and then I'm going home myself, but she refused.

- You should go home as soon as possible - she said.

- I'm not accepting a no as an answer - I groaned - It's already late so I'm taking you home.

- Diego... - she sighed.

- I'm not letting you leave alone this late. So come! - I said as I pulled her with me and soon she gave in and followed me herself and after taking her home I headed off to my own home too.

FeelingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora