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Okay, so I've written a new book which I feel like I want to share right now.

It's called "Trainer".

Now... This is not a Germangie, either Diegia, or any other couple I usually write about, but it's a story that's... Well, kinda based on real life and real people (not everything and everyone though).

Me (with different name) and some other people I know are also in this book, with either their names changed, or not.

I don't need negative shit (or to be an asshole) at that story because it's also something that kinda helps me through feelings I really shouldn't be feeling so if you're not into this then don't even read it, but if you're open to read something new from me then you're always welcomed to read, vote, or comment and if you like different, just random stories then I might gonna do some more in the future :)

So do however you feel like.

Either way is perfectly fine.

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