Chapter 28

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The next morning when I woke up I realized both me and Selvaggia fell asleep on the couch in the living room while just watching a movie.

She was so adorable though, sleeping so peacefully on my chest...

I could watch her all day long, but right now I only had a few minutes before she woke up too and realized where are we.

- Morning, beautiful - I smiled at her.

- Beautiful? I probably look like a complete mess right now - she groaned while trying to get herself together.

It was kinda funny to see.

- Even if you look like a complete mess... You're gorgeous to me - I said and kissed her head softly.

This seemed to calm her down and made her smile right away.

- How can you always find the right words to make me smile... All the damn time? - she groaned while now she looked up at me and kissed me on the cheek.

- Well, I don't know... I'm just this talented - I said jokingly which caused both of us to laugh, but soon we had to get up and get ourselves together to get to work.

Luckily we both didn't have much work for the day, other than some interviews, filming and the we were done.

----- TIME SKIP -----

We were doing an interview with a riporter that actually asked me about my relationship with Clari right now and as much as I was expecting this question I didn't feel like answering at all.

But I had to.

- We are okay... We don't talk much, but we aren't fighting either - I said.

- But how come your fans think this differently?

- Well, I don't know anything about this... All I know is that they all should calm down by now and accept the fact that we will never be together.

- I agree... But...

- But what?

- Why does even Clara say you're an asshole?

- Whatever she says is a lie - I cut him - And I'm done with this.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Finally we were done with the interview and I decided to go and see Selvaggia in the recording studio.

When I got there I saw some suspicious people that seemed to be waiting for Selvaggia, or someone else to see so I quickly sneaked inside.

Luckily people already knew me there so they let me in right away, without any trouble and I was right in place when she got out of the room.

- Hey, beautiful - I called out and when she looked over to me she smiled happily.

This smile...

I just love it and I wouldn't mind seeing it every day for the rest of my life...

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