Chapter 42

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The following day I got a call from an old friend of mine from Turkey, asking me if I'd like to visit there and meet up.

As I thought about it I realized it's gonna be a good idea to take Selvaggia and Leon with me to have some relaxing time together.

But of course I asked her before I replied to my friend's invitation...

- Huh? Yeah, sure... What friend call you? - Selvaggia questioned curiously.

- Hm? Do I hear jealousy in your voice? - I joked - His name's Mehmet Kurtulus. Once I had a chance to go to Turkey for a work and we became great friends. Although he doesn't like to travel we kept contact anyway.

- Ah... Okay, first of all: I'm not jealous! - she groaned - And seconds of all... Turkey? What were you doing in Turkey and when?

- A long time ago... And it's okay to be jealous - I smirked - You might don't know, but I'm usually jealous as well.

- Really? Of who exactly?

- Anyone that's closer to you than me... Anyone that can spend more time with you a day than I can... Anyone that's... Just simply around you.

- Diego... - she sighed deeply while smiling and caressing my cheek softly - You're so adorable...

- I just love you too much...

- There's nothing like loving someone too much - she said then kissed me lovingly on the lips.

----- TIME SKIP -----

As we all agreed to go to Turkey within a few days I had to make sure everyone that needs to know will know that I'll leave the country for a week so I went to the studio, where I usually film my show to talk to the producer.

I was totally fine and things went fine, but then Clari just had to come to ruin my mood completely.

- I'm not here to work. I have a lot other thing to do right now so if you want something say it quickly - I said right away.

- What a jerk you are - she groaned.

- Maybe, but I'm in a hurry...

- Fine! Then I might as well going to be fast - she groaned and since she was hesitatingI started to become a bit more annoyed.

- If you're about to say something mean then get it over with and move on.

- You fucktard... I hate you... - she mumbled - And I hate the fact that I love you... - she said and just as I was about to speak up she suddenly kissed me.

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