Chapter 35

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Within a few days whole Italy knew about mine and Selvaggia's realtionship and even outside from Italy they knew.

Most people supported us while there were others that seemed to be wanting to tell me that Selvaggia is not the good person for me and telling me she's a "bad" person by having different opinion about things.

Really, people?

This was really lame to read and see, but it wasn't even as much of that as support we had which is really great.

I'm really grateful and so is Selvaggia.

But also with this some other people came back to our lives that none of us thought they will...

Starting from Selvaggia's ex-husband...

----- TIME SKIP -----

We were in the recording studio with Selvaggia, to check through some stuff when a man came in, straight to Selvaggia...

- What the hell are you doing here, Laerte?! - Selvaggia literally snapped at the man immediately - Who called you here?

- No one! - the man she called Laerte replied - But we need to talk!

- No, we don't. We don't have anything to talk about so let me finish my work then go home to relax!

- Selvaggia!

- I think she was clear when she said she doesn't want to talk to you - now I interrupted.

- And who the fuck do you think you are?! - he snapped at me.

- Her boyfriend and someone that can't stand anyone near Selvaggia that pisses her off.

- You're nobody... Just leave us alone!

- Shut the hell up! - Selvaggia hissed - And don't talk to my boyfriend like that!

- But Selvaggia! Are you seriously planning to make him our son's new father?!

- Our son?! If I remember correctly the last time you said you're not his father so I don't know why would you care about him all of a sudden!

Laerte was about to answer when Selvaggia continued.

- Or no! I know why! You have seen the interview didn't you?

- I did.

- Aaah! So this is why you came here! You don't care about anyone, you just want me to be alone forever! But you know what? You're already late with that! I have Diego now, who's a better lover and father than you have ever been and you will ever be! Now if you don't have anything more to say, or want to try to do then let me finish my work!

Everyone was dead silent and so was Laerte, who had no idea what to say after this at all.


Remind me to never hurt Selvaggia as badly as this guy did... Otherwise I'm fucked...

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