Chapter 10

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When I arrived home Clari snapped at me, just as I expected her to do...

- Where the hell have you been for so long?! - she asked.

- I was out with a friend and time went by too fast - I replied - But what is it? Dominguez wasn't a good company for you?

- Don't be stupid! You're my husband so of course I was worried... - Clari sighed, now calmly and a bit sadly which now made me feel a bit guilty.

- I'm sorry - I sighed too - But I said the truth... I bumped into a friend and we spend the night talking... That's all.

- I see - she smiled a bit - Do you forgive me for being rude earlier?

All I could do was to smile and pull her into my arms for a hug.

- Of course... - I whispered.

I love her after all so of course I forgive her.

----- TIME SKIP -----

But as things were going on and on Clari continued being cold to her fans and sometimes other people that were around her as well.

Including me.

- Why can't you just leave me alone for a moment?! - she groaned at me once when I was asking her if she was ready to leave the filming place we were in.

- Well, excuse me for trying to help! - I hissed angrily, but I still held my anger back - What the hell is wrong with you?!

- Nothing! Just leave me alone! I'll come in a moment!

- Tch... Whatever - I groaned as I simply left her, where she was.

I had no idea what's going on with her lately, but she doesn't seem to be the same person I fell in love with before.

But then as I was heading outside to my car I got a phone call.

I didn't recognize the number, but when I picked it up I recognized the voice...

- Hello! Diego?

- Selvaggia! - I gasped - Hello!

- Hello! I was wondering if you'd be up for a radio interview some times this week!

- Radio interview? Well, sure!

Since me and Clari have been living in Italy I've already heard about her radio show "Stanza Selvaggia", so I'm guessing she wants me there.

Anyway we soon agreed to meet up in the studio in 2 days for this interview and surprisingly enough I felt more excited for this than ever.

Don't ask me why...

I just do.


When Clari finally came out and was ready to leave she still seemed grumpy so I decided to not to talk, if it's not necessary and just head home in silent.

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